Singing for him

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It was a beautiful Saturday evening, you were spending time with Lestat at his mansion in Los Angeles. 

you were outside in the courtyard sitting on the couch with your guitar, playing a soft tune and humming to yourself. 

this went on for a while until you decided to sing something, you took out your phone and looked up the lyrics to the song "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes

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this went on for a while until you decided to sing something, you took out your phone and looked up the lyrics to the song "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes. you already knew how to play the tune so you just needed the lyrics. once you had the lyrics you started playing the tune on your guitar and then began to sing.  

Once you finished the song you heard a voice say "what a beautiful voice" you looked up and saw Lestat. you were startled a little. "Did I scare you?" asked Lestat. you shook your head. "No you just surprised me that's all." you said. Lestat nodded. You looked at your guitar and then back at Lestat, who was staring at you with those gorgeous eyes. "Would you like me to play for you?" you asked. 

Lestat smiled. "Of course my love." 

He sat down next to you on the couch and watched you play your guitar, listening to the sounds it made. Then you began to sing. 

Lestat p.o.v 

"I listened to (y/n) sing, and watched her play her guitar. she was so beautiful. I had never heard someone sing like that before. just watching her made me fall in love with her even more, I can't say how lucky I am to have someone like her. She always finds a way to make me smile and remind me that she loves me more than anything in this world."

You finished the song and Lestat laughed. "that was quite the performance my love." he said. making you blush. 

"Thank you Lestat." you said. 

"Perhaps I could play with you, I still have my violin." said Lestat. 

"I would like that." you said. 


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