Author's note

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Hey guys, I have a couple of ideas for another imagine. Here is a list of them. Leave a comment by the one you would like me to do. Thanks. enjoy your day guys.

First Date

Proposal (asking to marry you) 💍

First time in bed 😉

Surprising you with tickets to a show (broadway, concert, movie, etc.)

Riding a rollercoaster with him

meeting his companion Louis de pointe du lac

an arguement (it can be a little sexy if you want)

finding out that your with child (finding out that your pregnant)

Deciding to turn you into a vampire

having a kareoke battle (trying to out sing each other)

first dance

playing together (Lestat plays his violin and you play your instrument as well)

He shows you how to play the piano

you teach him how to play guitar

Just Dance battle

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