Telling him your pregnant

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You stared at the pregnancy test in your hands. you were nervous. "What will Lestat think?" you whispered to yourself. You and Lestat have been together for a couple years now and have been married for 2 years and you haven't talked about having children yet. You tossed the test into the trash and sighed, looking into the mirror. staring at your reflection. you took a deep breath and said "Come on (y/n), you can do this! Just tell him." 

You left the bathroom and walked down the hall to Lestats room you opened the door and walked in then closed the door behind you. Lestat looked up from his book. A worried look was shown on his face. "Are you alright my love? you were in there for quite a long time." said lestat. "I'm alright." you said. Lestat nodded and set his book down on the nightstand. You walked over to him and cuddled with him in bed. After a couple minutes of silence you came up with a way to tell Lestat the news. you smiled at your clever idea. 

"Lestat." you said. 

"Yes my love." he replied

"What do you think about having children?" you asked. 

"I would love to have a child, as long as it's with you. Why do you ask?" said lestat. 

You took his hand and placed it on your belly. Lestat felt something move and his eyes widened. he gasped. 

"(Y/N), are you pregnant?" asked lestat. 

you smiled. "Yes." you said with a giggle. 

Lestat smiled and wrapped his arms around you, he began to pepper your neck with kisses. "Lestat!" you giggled. Lestat laughed and placed a kiss on your lips. you kissed him back. 

"(y/n), you are going to be a wonderful mother to our child." said lestat. you smiled. 

"and you will be a wonderful father Lestat." you said. both of you shared another kiss.  

You spent the rest of the night cuddling with him and thinking of a name for the baby. 

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