Meeting a young fan

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You and Lestat were on tour with several metal bands, so far the tour had been a success and you had a lot of fun, not only performing shows with the love of your life but getting to spend time with all the fans that adored the band. It was a lot of fun meeting them as well, watching their reactions to seeing you and the band for the first time or seeing you and the band a second time, or even more.

The meet and greet that day was amazing, and it was a pleasure to meet them all. But there was a young fan that didn't get the chance to meet you and Lestat before the show because they had come in late. You heard about this and felt bad about it, so you decided to make it happen. The fan was a young girl, maybe 4 or 5 who was with her dad, they were seeing you and Lestat for the second time in concert but it was their first time meeting you both in person. The two guests waited anxiously outside near the backstage entrance for one of you to come out. After a few minutes you appeared and saw the little girl who shied away for a moment until her dad told her to run to you. "Go get her!" The dad encouraged her. The little girl ran to you and you got down on your knees, opening your arms out wide to hug the little fan. "Can I have a hug?" You said. "Y/N!!!!" She squealed. You embraced the little girl, hugging her gently because of how small she was.

"That's the best hug ever! What's your name?" You asked cheerfully. "G/N" she replied. "G/N, I love that name! Nice to meet you sweetheart." You said with a laugh. That rockstar laugh that everyone loves. "Did you have a question for Y/N? What did you want to ask her?" Said the dad to the little girl. You listened to the girl, giving her your full attention. "Can we take a picture?" She asked shyly. You thought it was so cute. "Of course we can! Come over here." You said. The girl stood next to you and you placed an arm around her as you took a photo with her. Then taking one with her and the dad.

The girl was really sweet and her dad was really nice as well. You were talking to them for a while until the girl had another question for you. She asked if you could get Lestat for her, you smiled and told her you'd get him for her. "Hang tight, I'll go get em." You said getting up to leave. You walked to the backstage entrance and went in, you entered the room where everyone else was, Lestat was all ready for the show as always. He was always the first one ready. He saw you and smiled "hello love." He said before giving you a quick kiss. "Hello darling, can ask you something?" You said. "Of course, what is it?" He replied. "That little girl I mentioned, she would like to see you." You said. "Oh does she now? Well, her wish is my command." He said with a wink. Causing you to giggle. You and Lestat left the room and went out to see the little girl, who was patiently waiting for you two to come out.

You walked out first, "hey G/N! Look who I found!" You said. The little girl looked up and saw Lestat had appeared. "Lestat!!!" She said while running to him. He laughed while getting on one knee, opening his arms to hug her. The girl embraced Lestat, which put a big smile on his face. "She loves Lestat." Said the dad. Making Lestat chuckle.

Seeing them interact with each other was the most adorable thing you've seen, and it made you love your fiancé even more. He was always so kind and gentle with the young fans. He was impressed when he found out what the girls favorite song was, and how she knew the lyrics. He told her that she was a rockstar and he hoped to see her sing with his band one day. The little girl laughed and said that her and her dad were gonna start one when she's older so she could sing with you and him.

A few minutes later you and Lestat had to go on stage since the show was about to start, and he invited the girl and her dad to watch from backstage. It was a day that she would never forget! And a few times during the show she went out there to sing with you and Lestat. The fans in the crowd loved it! And it was so cool to have one of the bands biggest fans out there. And at the end of the show she went out there and took a bow with the band once the day was done. She gave everyone in the band a hug and got to keep a guitar pick and drum sticks that were signed. "I will see you soon little one." Said Lestat. He gave her one last hug and a kiss on the cheek before leaving with her dad. She waved to Lestat as she left and Lestat winked at her while blowing her a kiss. Then waved back to her.

Needless to say it was the best show you and the band played on tour.

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