Meeting him part 3

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(this is another scenario of you meeting Lestat)

You approached the chateau de lioncourt, staring at the massive castle in its greatness. The stories you heard about this place was legend but, you wanted to know if any of those stories were true. You managed to sneak into the place through an old secret passage, you read about it in old maps that you found. The maps and blueprints of the castle were accurate to say the least. You entered the great halls of the castle, gazing upon the magnificence of it all. "This is incredible!" you whispered. You explored the castle, not knowing that the castle would awaken in a few short minutes. You came upon the portrait of Lestat De Lioncourt, he seemed very handsome for his age. the portrait had been done in the late 1700s, you chuckled to yourself at the memory of you finding out why he was always dressed in the medieval style and not like everyone else during that time. Lestat always dressed like that since his ancestry dated back to the time of the crusades, his ancestors were great warriors and very protective of their people and their faith in religion. There was much history about his family and this great castle. 

You were staring at the painting for sometime until you were interrupted by a noise, the torches and braziers were lit. The whole castle was awakening, you looked at the time on your watch and it read 8:00 p.m. "Oh no!" you whispered in shock. "I forgot they wake up as soon as the sun sets, and Lestat is always the first one up along with..." you stopped at the sound of a guards voice. "Who dares enter this chateau!" it yelled in French. luckily you understood that language and knew what it meant. "I got to get out of here."  you said before taking off running. Not realizing that you left your journal behind. It had a lot of important notes in them regarding all the places you have been to and all the research you did. "Damn! my journal!" you cursed. 

The guards came running towards you, and you fought them off. There were too many and you couldn't fight them all. But with a stroke of luck the guards were taken off you and were forced to flee, how it happened you had no idea. It seemed the figure that fought them off was too fast for you to see with your own eyes. "Well fought young one." said a voice, it had a bit of a french accent. You got up and your eyes met with the one vampire you had read about so much. "Lestat!" you whispered in shock. "Yes?" he answered. "I didn't mean to barge in like that, I was only looking for..." you trailed off. "This?" he held up your journal, before handing it to you. "Do not worry I did not read it, I assure you." he assured you. You took the journal from him and placed it under one arm. "Are you going to kill me for breaking in? if that's the case then do it, I've already done enough on this earth." you said, ready to embrace what was coming. or at least what you thought was coming. Lestat chuckled. "Now why would I want to do that?" he asked. "'re not going to kill me?" you said, confused. "You are not like the other guards, trying to kill anyone that enters this place." you said, clutching your journal to your chest. 

"Thank you." he replied. "What do you want exactly? considering you are not going to kill me." you asked. "I'd settle for your name." he said with a smile. You thought he was gonna smirk, when he said that. "It's Y/N. Y/N, L/N." you replied. Lestat smiled at the sound of your name. "Beautiful." he said in a softer tone. almost making you blush. "Well, I better go. I cannot stay here." you said before leaving the castle. as you disappeared into the night, a piece of paper fell out of your journal. Lestat saw this, and picked up the piece of paper. he smirked at the writing, which had your address on it, you had written it inside your journal in case it got lost. 

"I shall see you again soon miss y/n." 

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