He talks about you

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Lestat talks about you all the time, especially when he is spending time with Marius. One day, him and Marius were talking about you.

"Now that I think about it, she's sort of helped me with a lot of things" said lestat.

"Like what?" asked marius.

"Well, I've haven't had any nightmares. I guess she might have something to do with it. It's almost like she drives them away. And I feel safer around her." Said lestat.

Marius nodded. "It's like she's a dream catcher." He said. Lestat laughed. "Yeah, I guess she is. I'm just so lucky to have someone like her. She's made me happier then I've ever been." Said lestat.

Marius smiled. "I thought I would never get to say this. Lestat, I'm happy for you. I'm glad you found the right girl."

Lestat smiled back. "Thanks Marius."

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