House on Rue Royale

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"I feel like this place belonged to someone, I mean just look at all the furniture, and the paintings. It's almost like..." Y/N trailed off not knowing what else to say about the flat. "From another time perhaps." Louis finished her sentence. Y/N's eyes grew wide, she looked at Louis with an expression he couldn't read, he couldn't tell if she was surprised or if it was an emotion that said "Oh obviously, I knew that genius, my brain doesn't work the same as yours." the thought of it almost made him laugh. Y/N turned away, walking into another room. Louis's smile turned to a frown. He knew this place, this was the place that he once shared with Lestat. The one place he never thought he'd return to after several decades of avoiding it, not wanting to relive the hauntings of the past. "I know this place, but Y/N doesn't know. God if she finds those..." he muttered. Suddenly a look of shock came to his face, remembering what was in the other room that Y/N had just gone into. He knew the papers were in Lestats old desk, no other place in the flat contained them. Using his preternatural speed he appeared in the room next to Y/N, which could have made her jump had she looked to her left. It was too late, she already held the papers in her hands, with the file lying on the desk wide open. Louis pressed two fingers to his eyes with a sigh. 

"You lived here once." she said. Louis did not say a word. 

"Didn't you?" 

"Well didn't you?!" 

Her voice became more demanding now, Louis knew that if he continued to remain silent she would raise her voice to the pinnacle. He did not like it when she did. He nodded slowly in response. 


"I lived here once long ago, after I had set fire to my plantation. This was my home along with another man and a child." Y/N slammed the papers on the desk, had she been immortal she would have split the desk in half, to pieces had she been at the pinnacle of her anger.

"You son of a bitch you knew this all along and you never told me! And if you didn't notice these papers are current, and not only do you own this place but this man you spoke of does as well! Tell me I'm lying I fucking dare you!" she cursed. Louis felt a presence in the room suddenly, one that Y/N could not feel, no mortal could detect a presence like he could, an immortal one in fact. He felt a sense of worry and alarm, a feeling that him and Y/N should never of come here. In the  corner of his eye he could see a shadow figure leaning against the French windows, along with a ring that was clearly visible to his vampire eyes. Y/N could see nothing. 

"The hell you looking at Louis! look at me when I speak to you!" she spat out. 

"Y/N we need to leave, now!" the worry was in his voice. She scoffed. "Oh really? you want to leave? just so you can avoid this conversation? you think you can just slip away into the.." she stopped, her anger increased to the pinnacle when she noticed Louis had disappeared. 


Y/N gathered the papers and placed them back in the file. She took them with her. 

She was about to step out of the room when a voice spoke out loud. "And what do you plan to do with that?" the voice was different, which a heavier french accent. A cross between the way a flatboat man would speak or a modern day Sam spade. she shook it off as if were her imagination but that quickly changed when she felt herself run into something. She took a step back and looked up to see someone standing before her. A strange man with short curly brown hair that touched his shoulders, brown eyes, pale skin, and dressed in black leather clothes. He seemed to be a rockstar of some sort. He smiled at her, showing his fang teeth. 

"Who the hell are you?" she demanded. The man only chuckled. She gasped when he appeared behind her, then begun to circle her as if he was checking her out. "You're a smart one I suspect you already know." he said. The voice sent chills down her spine, Y/N had never felt that way before, not even when she spoke with Louis. She was quiet for a moment, only staring at the man as she was mesmerized by him. The room was silent until she spoke a name. 


(Let me know if you would like a part 2 of this imagine)  

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