He reads your fanfiction

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(I got this idea after reading Loki imagines by @SuperxWatch, enjoy!) 

Your p.o.v

I have a habit of writing things down, when one idea comes to mind I always want to write it down for a story that I wish to write later. From questions to just random things that come to mind. And when I think I have something I will turn it into a story and eventually it becomes a book. I love to write, and I have quite the talent for it. I come from a family of Authors so it kind of makes sense why I'm so good at it. Even if the idea sounds ridiculous I'll keep it anyway, whatever it is. I write a lot of short stories and some of them turn into a full on novel, they are mainly about Lestat; my boyfriend. I've been keeping the stories secret for some time because I'm embarrassed to show him. So I hid the journal that I wrote all of my notes in, thinking he wouldn't find them. But little did I know that he would get into them one night after I had gone to bed early for work the next day. 

Lestat's p.o.v

My girlfriend is finally asleep, she was exhausted from a long day at work. She's been working for Evanescence for some time now. She is the audio tech for the band and she loves it more than anything. From recording a new album to a concert performance she's there for them. She really needs her rest, after all she does work very hard for them. She hasn't noticed but I have seen her writing in a journal that she keeps hidden from me. I've always been curious as to what she writes in there. Tonight I can finally see what it is that she writes, I know it is wrong to invade someone's privacy but I have to. I am the brat prince after all, I am known for breaking the rules. Just one look won't hurt at all. 

5 pages later

Wow. She had written all of that about me, I had no idea that she felt that way towards me and how much I truly mean to her. Not only that but she is an excellent writer! I want to do something that happened in her stories. Ah but what?.....I got it! I will take her to see her favorite band (B/N) they have to be playing somewhere nearby. I closed the journal and placed it back where I had found it. I went downstairs and took out my laptop, I searched the bands name and looked to see if there were any performances near us. To my luck there was! They were playing at the Arena which was very near to us, and it was an outdoor arena. The show was at 5:30 p.m and it was an hour and a half long. The prices for seats were surprisingly cheap, I paid for front row seats and booked the show for me and her. Oh how excited she will be when she wakes up tomorrow morning! She will notice that it had gone to my email, which of course she checks in the morning because she's always curious about it. And of course I don't mind it. 

Your p.o.v

I woke up the next morning in my boyfriends arms, he held me close to his chest. I felt his soft heartbeat as I snuggled closer to him. I began to wake him up, I kissed his forehead and then his lips. I did this until he returned the kiss. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. "Good morning my princess." he said in his sexy morning voice. I blushed. "Good morning my prince." I said before kissing him again. He had a smirk on his face which made me laugh. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I giggled. "I have something for you darling." he said. I smirked. "Oh yeah? what is it?" I asked with a smirk. "Look at my email and you'll see." he said. I reached over and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and open his email, I clicked on the first one that popped up and read it. My eyes widened like crazy when I realized what it was. "Lestat..You bought tickets to see b/n?!!!!" I asked excitedly. Lestat chuckled. "Yes ma Cherie, I did. We shall see them together this weekend." he said. I hugged him tightly. "aw." he laughed. "I love you so much Lestat!" I said. "I love you too ma Cherie." he replied. I gave him a quick kiss before getting out of bed and getting ready for work.  

Lestat de Lioncourt  imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now