He turns you

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Lestat turned you after he found you left for dead in an alleyway in the city, here is what happened.

Lestat p.o.v

I was walking down the streets of New York city, the night had finally fallen upon this great city. The night was cool, the sky was clear, and not many people roaming around. I was walking to (y/n)'s apartment, how much I wanted to see her again. She has been with me for sometime now, if I remember correctly we have been together for 5 years. Yes that's it. And may I say that I couldn't be any happier to have someone like her. I could go on. As I got closer to her apartment I heard a noise from one of the alleyways and a familiar voice yell "Get off me! Leave me alone!" I knew that voice. I quickly ran using my vampric speed, once I arrived at the alleyway I found two men dressed in black. one of them held a switch blade in his hand while the other held (y/n) by the throat and pressed her against the wall. I couldn't let them harm my beloved. My eyes turned red and I bared my fangs. The man who held the switch blade saw me and tried to run but he was no match for me. I attacked him and drained him completely. Then I grabbed the second man and did the same. (y/n) fell to the ground.

once the second man was dead I quickly made my way over to (y/n) who was lying on the ground. I knelt down beside her and took her in my arms. She was covered in blood, there were cuts on her arms, her lips, and on her throat. She was weak. I couldn't loose her. I bit my wrist and let my blood flow into her mouth.

"Come on (y/n)" I said. My eyes began to fill with tears. I looked away as I let my tears fall. I was too late, I thought. Suddenly I was proved wrong. I felt something grasp my hand. I gasped and looked at (y/n) who was looking up at me.

"Lestat?" She said.

"My love." I said. Smiling through my tears. She was a vampire then. Her eyes were as dark as mine, her skin was pale, and her hair was no longer brown. It was jet black. She was beautiful.

She sat up and I held her in my arms as I stared at her new form. "I thought I lost you." I said. She smiled showing her fangs. "But you didn't" she said. I smiled and kissed her. She kissed me back.

Now my beloved (y/n) is a vampire, and she will be with me forever.

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