60 ~ He Has A Mental Disorder/Illness (Michael/Calum)

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He Has a Mental Disorder/Illness: (Michael & Calum) {requested}

(just like the last one, please don't read if you're uncomfortable with this particular topic bc I don't want to upset anyone. i'm always here to talk, so just pm me if you need to :3)

Michael: (au {you and he are in high school} if that makes sense? i'm sorry this one is gonna be pretty bad) 'Calum I don't think I can do this,' 'You'll be fine mate!' You turned your head to the back of the classroom where you saw the quieter kid, Michael, you think his name was, that always sat at the back of the class with Calum.

'Okay,' your teacher called out, 'we have time for one more speech to be read out...hmm Clifford! Seeing as you think it's okay to talk in my class, you can come up and read yours out,' she finished, with a look of complete disinterest.

You noticed how Michael's face became suddenly panicked as he slowly made his way up to the class. It was almost as if his feet were stuck to the ground with each step he tried to take. His mouth was slightly open in shock and you noticed that he had started to sweat slightly. Your hand shot up in the air and everyone turned around to look at you, 'I'll do my speech now actually sir, it'll be less hassle because it's pretty short and there's only ten minutes left.' Your teacher shook his head at the disruption but let you read yours out. You smiled to yourself when you saw a look of relief on Michael's face as you took your place in front of the class.

'Hey Y/N?' Michael asked quietly, pulling at his sleeves after the class had finished.

'Yeah, are you okay?'

'Yeah, I'm good,' he took a moment to sort his breathing out a little, 'I just wanna say thanks for what you did, nobody has ever done something like that for me. All my friends have ever done is called me a wimp for having anxiety...'

'It's fine Michael, it can be tough having anxiety, I mean I don't know exaclty what it's like but my best friend had it and I know that you shouldn't have to go it alone.' You told him, rubbing his arm a little.

'Thanks for understanding Y/N...but what am I gonna do about tomorrow, I'll have to read out my speech then,' Michael began to ramble on but you cut him off.

'I'll just tell the teacher that you done it today and if I have to end up reading mine out again then that's cool, i don't mind as long as you feel comfortable. It made me a bit happier seeing you relieved.'

He covered his hands with his sweater, 'd-do you maybe wanna hang out sometimes? I don't know it's a stupid idea....'

You gathered up your books, 'why not? You seem like a pretty cool guy.' A wide smile grew on Michael's face and your's and Michael's friendship began.

Calum: You pushed the plate of pasta towards Calum but he just ignored you and continued to play around on his phone. 'C'mon Calum, eat up! Your pasta is gonna get cold.'

'I'm fine,' he grunted.

Sighing, you dropped your fork into the bowl, 'do you want to order a pizza or something then? You've barely eaten all day.'

He rolled his eyes and shut off his phone, 'I told I'm fine Y/N, I'm not hungry okay? I went out with the lads yesterday and had a big meal.'

You left him alone for the rest of the meal, silently finishing your pasta but soon became suspicious when Calum left to go upstairs. He never went out with the lads yesterday, as far as you were aware anyway, he stayed at home most of the day and went to the gym for a little while. And then it suddenly crossed your mind...

'Calum, babe, you in here?' You called out as you walked into your bedroom, where Calum was stood, his shirt off and looking at himself in the mirror. 'Calum?'

His jaw dropped and a panicked expression came over Calum's face and he frantically searched for his shirt and put it back on. 'Hey Y/N.'

'Calum...something's up, I can tell. You're not eating properly, you've been going to the gym way more than before and you've started to wear shirts to bed and I haven't seen your body in weeks Calum,' you sat down next to him on the bed and took hold of his arm, 'I'm starting to get scared Calum and I don;t want to say it but...but I think you have an eating disorder.'

Calum dropped his head low, almost not bothering to put up with a fight anymore, 'I just, I just don't feel good enough anymore, I see the other lads and the celebrities that you obsess over and they just have perfect bodies but here I am. I need to get a good body Y/N or you'll leave me...man I barely ev-'

You cut him off and held him as he started to cry into your neck, 'Calum, you're beyond perfection, trust me. You don't need to change for anyone, okay? I love you and your body and your personality, everything about you, if anything, I'm not good enough for you. There are people that would kill for a body like yours. Please don't lose yourself to your own mind, I know it's difficult,' you paused so you could dry your's and Calum's eyes, 'but please try, we can get you help if it's what you need.'

'I don't want help from anyone except you; you're the only one who can help me Y/N.' He finished as you two spent the next couple of hours in each others arm in comfortable silence.


a/n - *hides behind ashton because I didn't do a valentines day preference and you all probably hate me now*

how is everyone today? if it's the holidays where you are, are you having a good holiday? mine's been pretty unproductive as usual 🌚

btw, i just want to thank you guys for everything. like it's unbelievable how successful this has been so far and i just want to say i appreciate every read, vote and comment i get, it really makes me smile. like i started this for fun beacuse i had nothing else to do in the holidays hah and just now look at it. if it wasn't for any of you, i probably would have given up on this book a while ago so thank you so much to everyone aw look at me getting all emotional haha, but i do genuinely feel like you guys are my friends sometimes and im thankful for everything c:

🌸 vote, comment, stay beautiful

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