Luke Imagine

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'Hey, guys, promise me we'll stay friends,' I said.

'Yeah, sure, why'd you say that?' Michael answered.

'Cause you guys are gonna be big one day and I don't want to be forgotten about...' I trailed off, nervous to how they'd respond.

Ashton walked over to me and sat next to me, 'Y/N we could never forget about you and how do you know we're gonna become big? I'm mean sure we'd like it,' the other boys nodded and hummed in agreement, 'but for now it's just 4 guys wanting to have some fun. We could never forget about you.'

I nodded and smiled. I jumped up and gave Ashton a hug and then went over to Mikey and gave him a hug too, and then to Luke and then Calum.

'Y/N, you're probably one of my best friends, apart from these guys, and I've known you for a long time, I promise to never ever let you down and I'll always be here when you need me. I'll never forget you. Ever.' Calum whispered during our hug.

'Promise?' I whispered back.

'I promise,'

'Hey Y/N could you come and help me get some food? I'm sure we're all hungry?' Luke asked out of the blue.

'Yeah, sure,' I smiled.

I followed Luke through to his kitchen. I was always round his house and it was a normal thing now, we're either here just hanging around, or at Ashton's house, where they usually practice. Me and Luke were really close friends, not as close as me and Calum, but we has a really close friendship. I've know Calum the longest, then it goes Michael, Luke and then finally Ashton but it feels like I've known them all my life. They are honestly the most best friends anybody could wish for and that's why I was afraid of losing them; they were just perfect. and they'd just said all that stuff as well...apart from Luke...

'Hey Luke, are you ok?'

'Yeah, yeah I'm fine,' He, sniffled?

'Oh, it's just, you seemed quiet back there...'

'Oh no I'm fine, don't worry about me. It's just...'

'C'mon Luke, you can tell me, I'm your best friend,' I urged him on, desperate to hear what he had to say.

'Why would you think we'd forget about you, I'd forget about you? I probably have the closest relationship with you out of all of my friends and you think I could forget about you like that? You are an amazing person and I'd be stupid to lose you and when you asked us if we'd stay friends and that you don't want to be forgotten about, that just broke my heart. I promise to never forget about you and I promise to be there.' I could tell he was crying now.

I went over and gave him the biggest hug and buried my face into his neck, I had to stand on my toes to reach up but it was worth it. It was a bittersweet hug but it was the safest place I felt I was and it let me forget about reality

I took a small step back so I could face Luke, ' A promise is a promise Luke. It's a huge word and you gotta stick to it.'

'I promise. I love you Y/N Y/L and I don't care if you don't love me back but no matter where I am, I'm going to be there for you even if you don't want me to be...'

It was my turn to cry now, while my stomach was doing knots.

'I love you too, Luke.'


A/N - I know I haven't updated in ages so here's a Luke imagine to make up for it 😊

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