Calum Imagine for Cayrille

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Personal Calum Imagine for Cayrille (Such a gorgeous name 🙈)

I waited nervously as dozens of people erupted onto the airport terminal. Today was finally the day that Calum came back home; the wait for this day had felt like an eternity. I moved to Australia a while back in hope of being closer to him but it didn't matter because he was always away now with tours. I looked around seeing if there was any fans about because, as bad as it sounds, I didn't want there to be; I just wanted to be with Calum again. I yawned as I continued to look for him, next time he's not getting a plane at some ridiculous time at night.

Then I saw him.

The guy that was my world. I saw Calum's smiling face appear in the now thinning crowd and like those cheesy, cliché, romantic movies, Calum dropped his suitcase and bad and we ran up to each other. I wrapped my arms around him as I buried my head in his chest, crying like an idiot.

'Calum I've missed you so so much, it's been like hell without you here!' I mumbled into him.

'And you don't think it's been the same for me Cayrille? I've counted the down the days until I got to see you!'

We stayed like that, standing, holding each other close for a few minutes until Luke bought us back to reality telling us that they were going and also that Calum's bags were still on the floor.

'Maybe we should go pick them up and then get back to the car...' I wiped my eyes and yawned once again.

'I'll drive if you want,'

'No Calum it's ok, you've just been on a long plane journey.'

'Cayrille, I am not the one yawning loads! You are clearly tired and thank you for coming to meet me at this stupid time at night,' Calum said to me.

'It's no problem. I couldn't of waited any longer to see you anyway.'

Soon, Calum had drove us out of the airport but instead of turning left, he went right.

'Calum, you've just took the wrong turn?' I asked confused.

I looked over at him but he was just concentrating on the road ahead. Maybe he did go the right way...but I swear we never pass here... He continued to drive for about another 15 minutes before I decided to put the radio on and me and Calum started to talk about what he had done on tour, the ever so interesting topic of my work, how Michael decided to dye his hair twice and the fact that mine and Calum's goldfish died.

'Wait Calum, I don't even know where we are anymore!' I told him.

'It's ok, I only wanna go a bit further,' he reassured me.

We then came to some traffic lights, which took forever to change, but I was spending time with Calum this time instead of it just being me, sat frustrated at how they took forever to change. I liked this actually, and from the comfort I saw in Calum's face when we were talking, I guessed he did too. I then started to look out of the car window for a bit until I became even more confused as to where we actually were.

'Do you know where we are Calum?' I asked, trying to get the satnav on my phone to work, that didn't work because my phone decided to then die on me...

Calum hesitated for a bit. 'No but I'm with you so it's ok.'

I nodded at him to start driving again as the lights turned green. He continued to drive into nothingness, but it comforted me almost to know that it was only me and Calum. Granted his mum probably thought we got murdered, but there was nobody disturbing out time together.

Eventually, Calum stopped the car at a cliff side, where I definitely recognised.

'I'm not sure if you remember this Cayrille, but this -'

'This is where you bought me on a date when I came and visited you here.' I said, smiling back at the memory.

'It's also where I asked you to be my girlfriend...' Calum added. 'Cayrille I have something to tell you.' Calum said turning in his seat.

'What is it Cal?' I asked starting to get a bit worried.

'I love you. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that I wanted to be with you. I didn't know what it was but you seemed special to me. It could be the fact that you are beautiful or it could be how you have the cutest laugh but...I love you.'

I started to tear up a bit at this, it was the first time he said I love you and I was just happy.

'I love you too Calum,' I managed to get our before he leant over and kissed me.

Right now, my life was perfect.


A/N - Sorry about the obviousness that this was based on Long Way Home but if I can't think of anything, I'll pick a song and base it around that. It's how I write sometimes...

Ok, second update today as well, are you guys proud? But I wanted to do 2 cause I'm so close to 10.5K reads and it's just crazy 🙊 So thank you to everyone who reads, votes and comments 😘

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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