4 ~ How You Hug/Cuddle

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How You Hug/Cuddle:

Ashton: You and Ashton would constantly be cuddling/hugging because you'd want to be near each other. Both of you aren't really big believers in PDA but when it came to hugs, you didn't care. Obviously being six foot tall, Ashton was quite a few inches taller than you so he would rest his chin on your head while wrapping his arms around your waist. Your face would snuggle into his neck and your arms would wrap around his shoulder/neck area. This is your favourite way to cuddle and it also was where you felt safest.

Luke: You and Luke would only really hug while you were at home. He felt really awkward about showing any sort of affection in public and to be honest so did you as you knew there would be someone somewhere that could take a picture of it. So at home, Luke would be lying on the couch and you would be next to him, as close to him as possible so you wouldn't fall off of the couch. One of his arms would be wrapped around your waist and the other one would be at the top of your head or resting his own head on it. Ok, so this is technically spooning but it was always the way and you Luke would cuddle and it was really comfortable...

Michael: As much as Michael tried to convince people that he was 'punk rock' and 'cool' , he gave the best hugs. If you haven't had a Michael hug, then you haven't lived. He would always be the first one to start off the cuddle. He would randomly come up behind you and drape his arms around your waist. He would then position his head in the crook of your neck because he just loved the perfume you wore. If you tried to get away, he would spin you around so you were facing him, tighten his arms and pull you as close to him as possible. You would then wrap your arms around his neck and bury yourself into his chest. So as much as he said he was punk rock, he really wasn't, but you always told him that he was a 'cuddly punk rock bear that gives amazing hugs.'

Calum: Calum always loved to hug you. You on the other hand weren't a huge fan of cuddling. But the thing that made you give in to Calum was his pouty face. He would ask for a hug but you would say no. Then he would look up to you, eyes huge and on the brink of tears, bottom lip jutted out and his face would be adorable. His face got him anything he wanted because his heart would just melt at the sight of it. When you guys did cuddle, it would be really simple but sweet. You and Calum would just be sitting on the couch and he would put an arm around your shoulders. You would wrap your arm across his chest and lay your head down on his chest. Calum would then rear his head on yours and it would be all awwww :D you guys could honestly fall asleep like that.


A/N - *Cue the awwww's*

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