48 ~ Wedding Night (Wedding Series #7)

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Wedding Night: (Wedding Series #7)

Ashton: 'Mrs Irwin, Mrs Y/N Irwin...Mrs Irwin, it sounds amazing.'

You poked your head out of the en suite bathroom in yours and Ashton's hotel room and looked at Ashton, who was lying down on the bed smiling to himself, 'Ash?'

'Mrs Irw- Huh? Oh Y/N! I-I was just umm...' Ashton stuttered.

You just laughed and shook your head at him as you turned off the bathroom lights to join him on the bed. You and Ashton were laying next to each on your backs, facing the ceiling, your wedding outfits still on.

It was quiet for a minute before Ashton spoke up again, 'It's crazy, isn't it?'


'This time last year, we weren't even engaged and now we're laying here as a married couple. Husband and wife. Mr Irwin and Mrs Irwin.'

You turned your head to face him, where there was a small smile on his face, 'yeah, I guess it is a bit crazy...but I'm glad we did it. We proved everyone wrong.'

This time he turned his head around and took your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, 'yes we did...and...and I couldn't be happier.'

Luke: Luke led you blindfolded to the hotel gardens after everyone had either gone home or back to their own hotel room.

You grabbed the front of your dress and put your hand out, 'where are we going Luke?'

'You'll find out soon,' he said and laughed, tightening his grip on your waist so you wouldn't fall. 'Just a couple more minutes...oh and watch the steps...yeah, that's it, be careful! Ok, you can take your blindfold off now.'

You slowly lifted up the blindfolded, revealing you and Luke standing small gazebo decorated with white fairylights, which were hung from the ceiling. You were about to speak up but Luke just shushed you and started to play a song (that you had never heard before) quietly in the background. He took your hand and started to slow dance with you. you looked deeply into Luke's eyes and he looked back, still making you feel nervous like the first time you met.

'What was all of this for?' You whispered, not daring to ruin the calmness.

'Because Y/N you're my wife.' He stopped dancing. 'My beautiful, gorgeous, amazing and perfect wife.' Luke said softly, giving you kisses between each adjective.

You stood up on your toes and kissed him. Luke took a piece of your hair that had come loose from your bun and tucked it behind your ear, 'and I don't want to spend a moment without you Y/N.'


'Baby,' he stopped and hiccoughed, 'maybe you're a litttllllleeee drunk.' He giggled and joined you.

'No I'm not...ok, maybe just a little.' You said and started to giggle too, until you were doubled over laughing.

Once you had calmed down, you went and stood against the railing of the balcony, enjoying the feeling of the cool breeze against your face. Michael walked over and stood behind, placing his arms loosely around your waist. He buried his head in the crook of your neck. 'How did I end up lucky?'

You just stayed silent, enjoying the tranquil moment. Michael kissed up your neck until he got up to your jaw, then he kissed your shoulder. He took your hand and led you back into the hotel room, where he started to sway with you. Michael kissed your shoulder and neck again and started to unzip your dress.

'I love you Y/N Clifford.' 'I love you Michael Clifford.'

Calum: 'Calum, how the hell do you manage to get us kicked out of the hotel?' You asked, trying to be serious about the whole situation but you couldn't help letting out a little laugh.

'Not my fault you were making too much noise.' He winked.

You shook your head and unlocked your phone, pulling Calum's jacket around you tightly. You started to ring every contact but no answer. 'Great, nobody is picking up their phone and I'm freezing.' You looked up at Calum, who was just stood there in a shirt and boxers and then at yourself, with only pyjamas and a jacket.

'Well, the hotel said we could pick up our stuff in the morning and it's three now so not that long to go....lets go for a walk?'

'But I have no shoes?'

'It's ok, I'll give you a piggyback,' he said and you jumped onto his back.

He started to walk down the dimly lit path, 'I'm going to kill you Calum Hood.'

He smirked, 'that's not what you were saying back in the -'

'SHUT UP!' You shouted and smacked the top of his head, but you had to laugh too. It was going to be a very interesting marriage.


A/N - The wedding series is nearly over nooooo, just two more to go :(

QOTD: Are you going to the ROWYSO tour next year? If so, when?

AOTD: Yes and I'm going 2nd June :)

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