Ashton Imagine for Dana

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Personal Ashton Imagine for Dana

I smiled when I saw Ashton's face appear in the screen of my iPad. It was slowly becoming a daily thing that either I would FaceTime Ash or he'd FaceTime me. I didn't prefer this way of talking to Ash but I guess it was better than a phone call. I did enjoy them though because we'd just talk about our day or sometimes we wouldn't even talk at all; we'd just laugh or smile or just look at each other for about three hours.

'Hello Dana,' Ashton said.

'Hey Ash, how are yo-' I started to say but was cut off by a large 'OUCH!' from Ashton as he tripped over something a street?

Ashton finally got the camera back on himself and brushed himself off, 'I'm ok, I'm ok.'

I managed to stifle a laugh at him before asking him where he actually was.

He looked around for a moment and answered with, 'I think I'm in a street somewhere...just walking...'

The street looked pretty similar but I just brushed it off and continued to talk to Ashton...about monkeys...don't ask. We also talked about going to the zoo one day to visit the capybaras. Soon, Ashton had to go, which I was quite upset about as our FaceTimes are usually a couple of hours long and this was about half an hour. But I didn't want to complain much; I an still so grateful that I manage to even talk to him. Anyway, now that Ashton had gone, I had literally nothing else to do. There was no point tidying up because nobody ever visited and Ashton was back for another month or so. All I could do was stuff my face with cookies, ice cream, pizza and watch films on Netflix, which actually seems quite appealing. So that's what I did.

I was halfway through watching an episode of Adventure Time when I heard a knock at the door. At first I just decided to ignore it because you know, I'm lazy and didn't want to answer it either. But the knocking continued...and continued...and continued until I got up and shouted, 'FINE! I'm coming geez, surely you could of rang before you came and not land this surprise on me?'

I opened the door and my jaw dropped.

'Well technically I did ring.' That oh-so familiar accent told me.

'Don't get cocky with me Irwin!' I said before I ran the short distance to him and engulfed him in a hug. We kind of shuffled backwards so Ash could close the door and I cuddled into him and when I stepped back I couldn't help but just stare at his beautiful face.

'I've missed you Ashton and why're you back so early?' I asked.

'I've missed you more than the length around the Earth Dana, and we were allowed to come back for a week and a bit as some shows have been cancelled.'

'Awwwww,' I smiled, he could have went back to family but he came here.

'Now where's the DVDs and pizza, I think we should have a movie night.'

I pointed over to where I was sitting before, 'I beat you to it, Irwin!'


A/N - @imirwinsgirl - Sorry that this is like 80 million billion years late but I've been really busy and I found out I'm a really good procrastinator 🙈

Ok...I'm probably gonna go now so I will see your lovely faces next time...not literally though cause would be weird...

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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