Luke Imagine for Nour

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Personal Luke Imagine for Nour

'Hey Nour!' I heard a shout from behind me in the corridor and saw my best friend Luke running up to me.

'Woah Luke, slow down! What's up?'

He stopped for a minute to catch his breath and I giggled at him slightly.

'Follow me.'

'Wait, what? Luke I can't! I have class in literally,' I looked at your watch and the bell started to ring, 'now and so do you!'

Luke suddenly stood up straight and grabbed my hand, causing all my books to fall out of my hands. 'Whe-' Luke shushed me before I had chance to even finish my word. He started to drag me through the floods of students in the corridor, every so often we were getting dirty looks from people trying to get to class quickly. Luke kept running down, now empty, corridors, with me behind trying to keep up.

'C'mon Nour, we gotta be quick before teachers find us!' Luke whisper-shouted at me.

'Well, I'm sorry-'

He shushed me for the second time before leading me up to a window. He opened it really wide and started to climb out. I guessed from the frantic hand gestures that Luke wanted me to follow. I hesitated for a bit but heard my head teacher's voice so climbed out quickly. Luke and I ducked out of sight of the windows and classrooms before I reached one of the gazebos quite far out in the school field.

I made sure I spoke first this time, 'And the point of this was...?'

'I heard from your friend that you were leaving real soon...' Luke trailed off and hung his head, scratching the back of his head.

'Oh Luke, I was going to tell you, I promise, I-I just didn't know how and I really didn't want to worry you or make you upset.'

Before I knew it, Luke had stepped over to me and placed his lips on mine. Us two stayed like this for a few seconds and Luke then rested his forehead on mine.

'You'll never forget me?' He asked, while looking into my eyes.

'Never.' I whispered back.

Luke stepped back, 'and you'll visit?'

'All the time.'

'I really don't want you to go, you know that right? You are my best friend and I can't imagine what it'll be like without you here. I need to tell you this now because I've managed to find some courage right now and if I don't say it now, I never will. So the thing is Nour...I really like you and willyougooutwithmeandmaybebemyirlfried?' Luke said, jumbling the last part all together.

I smiled at the last part and just wrapped my arms around him, mumbling an 'of course I will' into his neck. I didn't know where exactly this would all go but the two of us were going to make it the best time of our lives.


A/N - You can have a go at me cause this is like 60 years late and it is awful :/

And if anybody was wondering I was listening to Kiss Me Kiss Me when I was writing this.

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