51 ~ Song Preference - Human by Christina Perri

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A/N - This wasn't written by me but by 5SOSlover22 (it was sent in) so I take no credit for this in the slightest!! If you could all follow her for me and check out her works then I'll be really happy cause I think this is awesome :)


Song Preference - Human by Christina Perri:


'I can stay awake for days if that's what your want, be your number

I can fake a smile I can force a laugh'

Sleepless nights over and over; being on tour with Luke had it's ups and downs and struggling with depression wasn't helping much. At first Luke was always there when I needed him but all of the sudden it stopped and I needed him more then ever, but of course he had another show or interview, I mean I get it he's famous but what about me, his girlfriend?

'Hey babe,' Luke said as he kissed me on the forehead. I mumbled a hello, not really feeling up to talking. 'What's up baby girl are you ok?' He asked me

And once again I was forced to fake a smile to make him happy, 'Yeah I'm great.'

'If you say so you know you can talk to me if you need to?'

'I know babe...' I pushed my self up and made my way to the washroom on the tour bus. I closed the door and slid down, I couldn't do it any longer. I let out all the recent feelings in silent sobs, hoping that Luke wouldn't hear.


'But I'm only human and I crash and I break down

Your words in my head knives in my heart'

Another rainy day, it seemed to fit my mood at least. Calum had been gone all day recording so I was once again left alone. I felt the feelings come back all at once, I really had thought that I'd got past this stage in my life but it would always come back to haunt me. So I did the only thing I thought off. Call Calum, he always told me to call if something was wrong or I just needed to talk.

'Hey babe what's up?' His chirpy voice helped calm me down.

'It's just I don't feel so well.'

'What's wrong? Are you sick? Do you have a fever? Did you throw up?'

'No Calum, not that sick...the other sick...'

'Oh, well...um...What do you want me to do about it?'

His words hurt you he usually tries to help you, 'Well I just thought...'

'Well you thought wrong. God do I have to do everything for you?'

Tears formed in my eyes at this comment, he knew about my depression, 'sorry I'll just leave you alone now.' My voice cracked at the end.

'Babe wait I didn't -'

I hung up before he could say anything else and all of the feelings came out at once.


'I can take so much 'til I've had enough

Cause I'm only human'

It's was always the same and I knew the longer I stayed here the worse it would get. There wasn't a day gone by without it happening. I hated it and I was done putting up with it. He used to stand up for me, try to help me and make me feel better, then one day he laughed with them and I know now that I'm done. I began to pack my things into a small bag thinking I can just come back and get the rest.

'Baby I'm home,' Michael's voice echoed through the small house.

I didn't answer I felt as if my voice would fail me.

'Babe where are you?"'

I hear his foot steps getting closer it's taking everything in me to bit cry out for him. The door slowly opened and I can hear him mumble something

'Baby please don't do this,' his voice was pleading but I couldn't bring myself to stay.


'But why?'

I laugh at him like he doesn't know, 'Stop acting like you don't know.'

'But I don't.'

'I'm done with your bullshit Michael. I'm tired of being put down all the time and you not sticking up for me.'

'I didn't know it was bothering you...' He mumbled.

'Well you do now.'

I began to walk out of our shared home, but before I could get out he yelled 'Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me anymore.'

I turned around forcing myself not to cry and before I knew what I was doing I made the biggest mistake of all, 'I hate you Michael Clifford.'


'I can turn it on, be a good machine

I can hold of worlds if that's what you need'

I didn't feel like his girlfriend anymore, I felt like his servant. He was always telling me what to do and how to do it, just like my father.

'Babe can you get us some drinks?' Ashton asked.

I sighed and put down my books, making my way downstairs.

'What do you guys want? I ask without looking up.

'I'll have some water please.' Calum asks nicely.

'Ok, anyone else?'

Me and Michael will have water too. How about you Ash?' Luke asks .


Once again he doesn't even say thank you. I make my way to the kitchen grabbing cups and a tray; I hear footsteps. A smile appears on my face thinking it's Ash and how he's going to say sorry for treating me badly, but it was only Luke, 'here let me help you out.'

I smile at him mumbling a thanks as I fill up the cups. On the way in I stop and listen to Ashton talking about someone. What if it's me?

'Ashton why are you being such a dick to her?'

'I'm not I'm just treating her the way a women should be treated.'

And with that I drop the cups, tears freely spilling now. He knew my father had treated me this way and now he was using it against me. Michael and Calum look at me with sadness in their eyes.

'I can't believe I ever loved you! I did everything for you I was like your goddamn maid and this is how you repay me? Well you know what Ashton? Go fuck yourself and never talk to me again!' And with that I storm out tears now rolling down my cheeks like a waterfall. 'Never again, Ashton. Never.'

~-~-~-~-~-~-~ please don't ask for a part two because I don't have it. If you go onto 5SOSlover22 's preference book, it'll be there.

A/N - This is so good 🙊 Tysm for letting me use this!

QOTD: What other musical artists do you like except 5sos?

AOTD: One Direction, All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, Ed Sheeran... man I could go on 😂

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