31 ~ Hospital

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Ashton: 'Ashton is on his way, sweetie,' Your mum told you as she sat down by the side of your hospital bed.

'But, he'll...miss...he's in...America?' You mumbled, not making much sense to yourself.

'Honey, you've been unconscious for a couple of days, I'm pretty sure Ashton wouldn't want to not be with you. I told him an hour after you collapsed and he booked a flight over here instantly. You've got a keeper there.'

Nodding your head slowly, you tried to remember what had happened but all you could was falling over and hitting your head off of the edge of the bath. You were clumsy, ok?

'Y/N? Oops sorry, wrong bed, Y/N! There you are,' Ashton ran over to you, a look of worry on his face. He came over and sat in the spare chair, stroking your forehead and holding your hands. 'Are you ok? What happened?'

'I'm ok Ash, I was stupid...and...I fell...and yeah...' You said, feeling really tired.

'I'm here now, and the boys said they'd be over soon and your mum's here too,' Ashton said and continued to ramble on about random stuff, whilst still stroking your forehead. You soon feel asleep, feeling more comfortable with Ashton around.

Luke: You felt a jolt in your stomach and you knew instantly what it was.

'Luke, I think the baby's coming.'

He looked up from his phone, 'what?'

'It's coming, I'm having a baby!'


'I'm giving birth to a freaking flamingo. NO OUR BABY IS COMING LUKE GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!'

'Holy crap, our baby is coming?'

You just shook your head at him and sighed deeply. You then explained to Luke that, after around about 9 months a female usually gives birth to a baby, and that female so happened to be you. For the next 5 minutes, you were stood in pain, but amused, watching Luke run around to get everything you needed, almost flailing his arms around like he was running away from something. It was distracting you from the pain, until you got a contraction.

'C'mon Y/N, let's get to the car and soon we'll have our little Hemmo. Just keep breathing in and out and in and out.'

Michael: Michael inched closer to your hospital bed and grabbed your hand, 'No Y/N, please don't leave me, not now, we're too young. We still need to get married, buy a house, have kids-'

You gripped his hand tighter, not wanting him to cry, 'Michael, we both knew it was going to happen. I was going to die sooner or later. But I want you to find another woman, who makes you smile on your worst days, who'll buy you the latest video games and who will order pizza because she's too lazy to cook. Michael, I want you to be happy after I go, there's no point staying upset.'

He breathed out slowly and you could tell he was already crying, 'Y/N...I-I don't wanna do that. It's only you who can love me as much as you did and more, it's only you, who never gave up on me and I don't want to let that go.'

'Michael, I'm still going to love you with all my heart, I just won't be here to show it.'

'Promise you'll never leave me?' He whispered, his. now, bloodshot eyes looking straight into yours.

'I'll never leave you, Michael Clifford.'

One of the nurses came through and told Michael he had to leave. He gave you one last kiss on your cheek, before leaving, but just before, you whispered in his ear, telling him to be strong.

Calum: 'OK Calum, I am never, EVER going along with your ideas again,' You groaned as you pulled up to the hospital. Calum thought it would be a good idea to have a three-legged race wearing roller skates. Yes, it might sound fun, but once you trip over and probably break your leg before your're even tied to Calum, it isn't fun.

'I didn't know you'd trip over!' Calum laughed.

Calum got out of the car and walked around to your side, opening the door and helping you out. HE locked the car before supporting you as you limped towards the hospital.

'You're gonna pay for this Hood,' You snapped at him.

'Well think of poor me, we won't be able to you-know...' He smirked.

'If you carry on like this, we won't be able to after my legs better.'

He just laughed loudly, 'How about this, we get your leg checked out and fixed up, I'll get you some ice-cream and we can get back home and snuggle up and watch loads of films and I will do anything you want?'

'You had me at ice-cream,' You smirked up at him but then squealed, 'but please can we hurry up because my leg is in immense pain right now.'


A/N - Just don't even, I don't even remember writing half of this cause I done it at 4am so...

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