45 ~ Wedding Nerves (Wedding Series #5)

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A/N - I don't think I'll be doing a Christmas series but I'll still do a few Christmas themed preferences so don't worry.

Idk, I wanna do a Q & A but nobody will ask me anything 😂


Wedding Nerves: (Wedding Series #5)

Ashton: (His POV) I fiddled with my tie, failing several times to actually tie it correctly. I just stopped even trying with it and left it around my neck as I rubbed my hands together. God, I am shaking so much, I thought to myself, putting my hands out in front of me and taking a shaky breath out. Suddenly, Calum burst through the door, shoes in one hand and a blazer in the other. 'You ready yet Ash?'

'Nope. I can't get this stupid tie done. And I'm shaking more than a freaking maraca.'

'Woah, calm down mate. There's no need to be nervous, you know?' Calum told me whilst putting down the objects he was holding to sort out my tie.

'I guess it's just a bit scary. I've been waiting since the day I met Y/N to marry her and now it's here...it just blows my mind... You done with that tie yet Calum?'

'Huh? Yeah..there you go, c'mon we need to go!'

I walked around my messy room and started searching through all of the rubbish to find my shoes. I eventually found them tucked away underneath the bed and put them on. I gave myself one last look in the mirror and smiled reassuringly to myself, 'lets go Calum, I'm marrying Y/N in a few hours!'

Luke: (Your POV) 'He doesn't want to marry me anymore.'

My mum, sisters, aunties and cousins all looked around and turned their heads towards me. The hairdresser even stopped doing my hair and gave me a confused look.

'Of course he does sweetie, why would you think that?' My mum said calmly.

'I had a dream last night where he left me standing at the alter and just ran away.' I looked up with a serious face up at everyone and I could tell they were going to burst into laughter in 3, 2...and as if on cue, they all started to giggle.

I felt my hairdresser start to work on my hair again and everyone went back to their conversation as my littloe sister came up to me and grabbed my hand. 'of course uncle Lukey wants to marry you. You're a princess!' she smiled widely as I pulled a funny face and exaggerated a princess look, sitting up tall and pretending my dressing gown was a dress, which sent her off in a fit of giggles.

'Thank Y/S/N, why was I even worried?'

'Because sometimes a princess is scared that her prince is an evil dragon but uncle Lukey's not. He's a really special prince.' She gave me one last smile and I smiled to myself...I'm finally going to marry Luke Hemmings.

Michael: (His POV) 'Crap, crap, cap, crap, cra- ' I started to whispering furiously to myself but Ashton came over and told me to be quiet.

'I CAN'T BE-,' I stopped myself and started to whisper, 'I can't be quiet, I'm freaking out over here.'

'I can tell but you just gotta freak out quietly.' Ashton said, and then laughed at his 'joke'.

'This isn't funny Ashton,' I said, giving him a panicked look. 'What if she doesn't love me anymore? What if she decided to run off with Luke? What if-'

'You're really scared aren't you?'

'YES!' I shouted and it echoed throughout the church, causing everyone to stare again.

'Listen Michael, Y/N loves you so much. She'd give up her life for you, there's no reason for her not to turn up. Every bride is a few minutes late, there's no need to panic, ok?'


'No buts! You, Michael Clifford, are going to get married to Y/N Y/L, I'm going to make sure of it, even if it's the last thing I do!'

Calum: (Your POV) I took a few breaths in and out as I stared up at the towering church. It made me feel a little queasy and the bright sunlight didn't help. My dad walked up to me and rubbed my shoulder, 'you nervous?'

I nodded, 'just a little.'

He frowned slightly, 'why? You best not be having second thoughts, I've paid too much for this wedding!'

'No, no, no never in a million years would I be having second thoughts! It's just the fact I'm about to get married, I'm just a bit overwhelmed.'

'You shouldn't be worried in the slightest, pre-wedding nerves are normal but you don't need to be worrying about anything.'

'I know, I know...I just keep thinking like, 'what if Calum isn't there?' or 'what if the wedding goes wrong?'

My dad frowned again, but then smiled, 'Calum's a good lad, I can tell he loves you. If anything happens, I'll kick him right in the-'

'DAD!' I shouted but then started to laugh.

'See there's my little girl, now come on, I'm going to walk you down that isle. We don't want to keep Calum waiting!'


A/N - I genuinely want to delete this book 😕

But how is everyone?

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