29 ~ You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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A/N - This kinda leads on from 'You/He Talk/s About Wanting Kids' so idk go read that first and it might make a bit more sense


You Tell Him You're Pregnant:

Ashton: 'Hey Ash,' You shouted slighlty as you entered the small flat we owned. You just got back from your friend's house because well, you needed to find out something important. And it turns out that 'something important' was positive. Yes, you were pregnant and all you needed to do now was tell Ashton. This should be interesting, you thought.

'Hey, baby, how are you?' He asked, walking over to give you a hug.

'Yeah I'm good, quite happy, actually but I need to tell you something.' You said, scratching the back of my neck.

You saw a look of concern and maybe worry wash over his face, 'What is it Y/N? Are you ok? Is it me, did I do something wrong?'

You just laughed slighlty at his overreaction. 'No you haven't done anything wrong. But you know how we discussed kids a few weeks ago? Well guess what Ash, you're gonna be a dad!'


'Yep!' You said, patting your stomach. You watched his smile grow and just grow as he engulfed you in another hug, giving you small kisses and whispering how happy he was that you guys were finally going to start a family.

Luke: You were sat nervously in the small café a few roads away from where and your long term boyfriend, Luke, lived. You stirred your coffee, deciding it would be easier to concentrate on the foam rather than telling Luke you were pregnant. Half of you thought this was going to be a piece of cake, because Luke had stated in the past he wanted kids with you, however the other half of you, kept reminding you that he said he didn't want them now because of the band. So naturally you were scared that he would want to leave you. You heard the café door open and snapped out of your daydream.

Luke came and sat down opposite you, 'Hey Y/N, what did you need to talk about? I've got to be quick though cause the boys need me back at the studio in about 15 minutes.'

'Ok,' you breathed out slowly, 'I'm only gonna say this once Luke. Do you remember that night after the concert in London? Well I'm not gonna go into detail about it and I swear we used protection like always but basically I'm pregnant and I kno-'

You were cut off by Luke exhaling deeply. 'You're pregnant?'

You simply nodded.

'Well it's not gonna be easy cause we're still so young and then there's the band and tours but...like I said, I want to have kids with you and honestly? I'm excited that there's gonna be a baby Hemmings on the way.' He said, as he leant over the table to give you a hug and kissed you.

'I love you Luke,' you said smiling.

'And I love you Y/N'

Michael: 'Y/N? You ok? You've been in the bathroom a while now,' you heard Michael shout from outside the bathroom.

'Yeah, I'm just...uh...' You hesitated as you looked at the positive pregnancy that you held in your hands. You missed your period about a week ago, but you brushed it off, thinking it was nothing. It only occured to you this morning that you could actually be pregnant. So, you ran to the store while Michael was still sleeping, bought a test, got home and ever since you've locked yourself in the bathroom - not because you were scared; just a little shocked.

'Y/N, you still in there? You haven't jumped out the window have you?' Michael laughed nervously.

'...Michael you remember how we talked about Pizza Ewok Clifford (A/N - you'll defo have to read the talking about kids one now hehe) ...'


'Well we could have a little Pizza Ewok Clifford on the way,' you said smirking to yourself.

'You're pregnant? YOU'RE PREGNANT!! I'M GONNA BE A DADDY!!' He shouted excitedly.

You unlocked the bathroom door and pulled him in for a hug, 'we're still not naming our kid Pizza though!'

Calum: You and Calum were sat on the sofa watching tv, having a lazy day, but little did he know that you were pregnant. And you were hungry.

'Hey Calum, can we go and get some food?' You asked, starting to get up and pulling on a hoodie.


You two arrived at his car, where you found the bag from a few weeks ago. It was full of the babygrows and toys you both bought after deciding it was a good time to start a family. You took out one of the white onesies and held it up, showing Calum who had a smile on his face, clearly remembering the conversation you'd had.

You smiled too, 'Well, Calum, we'll be needing these things in 9 months,'

His head snapped up, 'what?'

'I'm pregnant,' you said, biting your lip, trying to contain your smile.

'We're having a baby?' He asked, his face in a happy state of shock. You nodded and he gave you a huge hug, lifting you up and kissing you numerous times. Calum put you back down and you just held each other, looking into each other's eyes and still smiling.

'Ok,' you said after about 5 minutes, 'I'm sorry to ruin the mood babe but I'm seriously hungry so can we go now?'

Calum laughed, 'Of course we can, and just think soon, it'll be family adventures to the store.'


A/N - Anyway, mine and @TheJanoskianVibes fanfic on @granolacrushed is now up, so if you could go check that out and read, vote and comment it'd be awesome. 👍

There's was something important I needed to tell you but I've kinda forgotten...I'll probably remember when I've uploaded this...

Oh 21K READS 😱 I didn't even expect 100 so a massive thank you to everyone who reads, votes and comments it means a lot and sorry I changed my username again... I like it now so I won't probably change it again

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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