58 ~ He Does Your Make-Up

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He Does Your Make-Up:

Ashton: You took a little box from under your bed and started to pick out a few different colours. It took you a couple of minutes to realize Ashton was now sat next to you and staring at the nail varnishes.
'Can I do that?'
'What?' You asked, smirking at his sudden interest.
'Paint your nails?'
You placed the box down in front of him but gave him an odd expression, 'I knew hanging out with Luke too much was having an effect on you...'
Your eye twitched a little when Ashton picked up your most expensive nail varnish that you'd only used a couple of times. He unscrewed the lid and a couple of seconds later all you heard in the silence was an 'oops.' A small part of you died when you noticed the black nail varnish spreading out on the table but you didn't let Ashton notice, 'why-why don't you choose something else?' You asked and looked around for a cheaper varnish, 'here. How about this one?' He happily agreed and started to paint your left hand.
You could feel the nail varnish getting on your fingers but you tried to stop yourself from saying anything for Ashton's sake. He stuck his tonugue out while he was concentrated and then started to blow hard on your hand to get it tor dry. You let out a little laugh and held up your hand once he had finsihed,' 'it's erm, beautiful Ash?'
'I know it's crap Y/N,' he laughed, 'how about I just take you to a nail bar place to get them done professionly.'

Luke: 'So I take it this goes on your eyes?' Luke mumbled, examining the eye palette.
'No,' you rolled your eyes and said sarcastically, 'it goes on your lips.'
'Well then why the hell is it called eye shadow of it goes on your lips?'
You laughed at Luke's confusion, 'i'm just kidding Luke, it does go on your eyelids.'
After Luke had picked his favourite colours out of the eye shadows, (he didn't tell you which ones) he began to lightly apply it to your lid.
'Luke, you can use a brush you know?'
'Oh...' A couple of seconds later, you felt the small brush go up into your eyebrow and you jumped a little. 'Y/N!' Luke whined, 'I wanna do this properly so stop moving!'
After about 20 minutes of luke pulling you forward, pushing your head back and then bringing it forward again, he was done.
He took your hand and led you to the bathroom mirror, where he uncovered your eyes.
Your jaw dropped when you noticed the mixture of black, gold and blue eye shadows messily applied all over your eyelid and above! You looked over at Luke, who had a proud smile on his face and you gave him a thumbs up. On the way out of the bathroom, you grimaced and subtly picked up the makeup wipes; this was going to take a long time to get off!

Michael: You tipped out your makeup onto the bed as Michael read out some comments about how you were going to look like a clown once he had finished doing your makeup.
'Pffft, I've got this. If I can manage to dye my hair every month and still have hair left, I think I can do some makeup. I've watched Y/N do it for the past 1 and half years anyway.'
You gave him an unsure glance but nodded along. You and Michael bother turned so you were facing each other and he began to search for a starting point.
'Umm...erm, this looks...painful.' He announced as he opened up some mascara. Michael stared at the wand, brining it out of the tube and putting it back in. He looked at the camera, 'let's not start with that...I'm sure she doesn't need it anyway.'
You tried not to laugh at Michael's lack of makeup knowledge and attempted to keep a straight face when he squirted foundation over his top.
'Don't laugh Y/N or I'll just-'
You began to laugh.
'Okay that's it! He pumped some of the foundation into his hand and smeared it over your face. You gasped at his sudden action and grabbed the bottle of water that was on your table and poured it over Michael's hair.
The two of you continued to throw, pour and chuck things at each other while fans were tweeting like crazy!
'Okay, I think Y/N looks absolutely beautiful! Don't you all agree?' Michael asked, pointing to your hair, which had foundation in it and pieces of chips.

Calum: 'Can I look yet?' You asked for the possibly twentieth time.
'No!' Calum said.
You had decided to go out for lunch that afternoon to a small cafe in town and then Calum begged that he should do your eye make up for you because he wanted to 'express himself artistically'.
'C'mon Calum, we've been here for nearly an hour now!'
'Stop complaining, I want to get it perfect. I'm not called 'Calum -The Eye-Makeup Guy- Hood for nothing you know.'
'Calum you've never been called tha-'
'Uh, did I ask for your opinion?' You didn't say anything, 'Exactly.'
You picked at your nails and gave up talking to Calum as he didn't bother replying.
'Okay, and I'm,' he stepped out and stuck his tongue out, 'done.' You yawned and waved your hand near your eye so you wouldn't ruin your eye makeup, not that you were expecting much.
Calum handed you his phone so you could look in the front camera. You stared at it for a couple of seconds. It was beautiful. He had managed to do much better than most guys could ever dream of doing and even your eyeliner was perfectly winged.
'Calum how the hell did you manage to do the eyeliner? I can't even do it?'
'I used to practice on Michael...and maybe sometimes I'd take Mali's dolls head and practice on that but that's story is for a different day.' He said quickly.
You gave him a hug and whispered in his ear, 'I hope you realise you're going to be doing this for me every time I have to be somewhere important?'
He placed his hands on your waist, 'I don't think you'll be going to lunch today either.' He kissed your neck but you pulled away.
He gave you a confused look, 'don't want to ruin it,' you said as you gestured to the makeup.
Calum groaned at you as you left the bedroom, 'who knew eye makeup could've been a cockblock.'


a/n - hey everyone ✌️ how are you?


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