Calum Imagine for Ella

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Personal Calum Imagine for Ella

'Ok, are we all ready?' Calum asked our three kids.

'Yes' 'Yep!' 'No'

I turned around and saw Beau, our youngest child, struggling to put on his shoe. Calum walked over and helped him, strapping it up and lifting him.

'C'mon Beau, we're gonna go play some soccer!' Calum smiled.

The toddler giggled in excitement and I saw Calum's smile grow even more, if it was possible. He loved being a dad and I could tell; he was always spending time with them.

'Ford, could you grab the soccer ball for me and Ellie, you can walk with me,' I grabbed our daughter's hand, got my bag and off we went. We decided to go out today as it was such a gorgeous autumn day and it was partly Calum's idea as well. He's been away recently and he missed the kids so he suggested that we have a little day out as a whole family.

As usual, Ford was walking in front of us, his hair blowing in the wind, while kicking the soccer ball. I was holding Ellie's hand, while my fingers were intertwined with Calum's and finally little Beau was plodding along in his outdoor play suit, (a/n - sorry if people don't have a clue what I'm on about) jacket, boots and scarf.

'Ford?' Calum half-shouted to him.


'I'll race you to the field,' And within a few seconds he started running.

Ford grabbed the ball from the ground and started to run after him, 'HEY DAD THAT WASN'T FAIR BUT I'M STILL GONNA BEAT YOU!'

Beau started to laugh and squeal with excitement as he tried to run along with his older brother. Before he fell over, I got ahold of his hand I squeezed Ellie's hand tight and we decided to join in the fun. I noticed Calum and Ford had found each and we're now hiding behind a large oak tree, where the amber leaves we're falling down. I chose to play along with their little game, knowing that they were going to 'scare' us or something.

'Hmm, I wonder where daddy and Ford are?' I asked Ellie and Beau, over exaggerating it just a tiny bit for them. I led them over to a random tree and looked behind it, 'no they're not there...lets look over there.'

The two kids jogged over to the tree, with me behind when Calum and Ford popped out, 'Boo!'

Ellie screamed but ended up laughing and Beau just started to giggle adorably again, especially when Calum picked him up and span him around a bit.

'Can we go play soccer now?' Ford asked.

'No, soccer is boring,' Ellie moaned.

'I WANNA PLAY!' Beau screamed.

'Come on then guys, we can go play, Ford on one team, me and Beau on the other,' Calum told them, grabbing the ball and running over with the two boys.

'We can go watch instead, El? I'll give you a piggy back?' I tempted.

Her face brightened up and I lifted her up into my back and we walked over to the girls, where Beau was attempting to kick the ball but it wasn't working out; it was half the size of him! Every so often when Beau would manage to get the ball in the 'goal' (along with the help of Calum) he would be lifted up into the air and Calum would shout random things like 'He's gonna be the next big football star' or 'watch out everyone Beau Hood is gonna be big!'

After a while, me and Ellie joined in on Ford's team.

'Mum, you're such a rubbish soccer player!' He joked.

I faked a gasp, 'Ford Hood, how dare you -'

'He's got a point,' Calum teased.

It eventually got a bit colder and much darker before we decided to leave the park and head back home.

'Looks like someone's all tired out,' Calum pointed out, motioning his hand towards Beau, who was now hanging his head over Calum's shoulder. He turned his head, and have him a small peck on his little fluffy hat.

'But even big, huge footballers need their rest,' Ellie said.

'That's right love,' Calum replied.

'Now how about this, let's all go home and we can watch a film and drink hot chocolate and maybe I made us some cookies?' I butted in.

'Yes!' Ford, Ellie and Calum chorused.

And with that, we headed home.

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