39 ~ There's A Spider

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A/N - 100K reads whut?? You guys are fab 👍


There's A Spider:

Ashton: 'What's wrong with you?' Ashton laughed as he saw you move quickly from the floor to the arm of the sofa.

'There's a...a...SPIDER OH MY GOD ASHTON IT IS CRAWLING ACROSS THE FLOOR GET RID OF IT BEFORE WE ALL DIE!!' You screamed, crawling over to Ashton. You grabbed the nearest item to you, which happened to be one of Ashton's shoes and handed it to him, 'Kill it.' You said, giving the spider evils; you weren't going to let it win.

'Hey not with my sho-'

'Did I ask you to complain about it? No, I said kill the freaking spider Ashton!'

'But do you know how much these -'

You gave Ashton a glare and he raised his hands in defence, 'ok, ok. ok.' Ashton crawled down to the floor and hit the spider in one go, 'happy?'

''Very, now...you might wanna clean your shoe?' You giggled, pointing to his shoe, where there was a small spider stuck to it.

Luke: 'Y/N?!' You heard Luke shout from downstairs.

'YES?' You answered and started to make your way down, 'IF IT'S BECAUSE YOU'VE PUT YOUR SHOES ON THE WRONG FEET, I'M NOT CALLING LIZ AGAIN - THAT WAS EMBARRASSING.' You got to the bottom of the stairs and tried to hold in a laugh as you saw Luke stood on a chair, with a baseball bat in his hands.

'What's with the...' You asked Luke. pointing to his choice in clothing.

He motioned his bat to the wall, 'Haven't you seen it Y/N? There is a spider!'

You squinted at the wall, 'there's nothing there?'

'There is! Look closer,'

You went over to the wall and looked it up and down, finally realizing what Luke was pointing to. 'Luke, it's a plastic spider decoration I stuck on there for Halloween.' You said and took it off, laughing.

'Oh...I knew that...' Luke mumbled, getting down from the chiar.

You threw the fake spider at Luke, who still squealed, and walked off muttering, 'Sure you did.'

Michael: It was a quiet evening, with you and Michael sat watching a film and eating some popcorn, when you noticed the thing you absolutely hated. Spiders. It didn't help that you had a proper fear of them either; you would get panicky, your hands would swear and your breath would be all over the place.

'Mikey?' You whispered, nudging him gently.

'Mmhmm?' He answered sleepily.

You took a deep breath in and then out, 'there's a sp-p-ider...over there.' You held out your shaking hand and pointed to it.

'Its only a spider, it'll go away,' he yawned but you shook your head and turned the lamp on, showing the sweat on your face.

'Are you ok Y/N?' Michael asked, suddenly alert.

'No, it's the spider, I can't be near them or I get like this, even pictures!'

Michael got up and grabbed his empty glass from the floor and also some pizza coupons and got the spider. He took it outside and threw away the glass for extra measure. He came and sat back down and wrapped an arm around you, 'Mikerowave is here to save the day.'

Calum: 'You get it,' 'No you,' 'Why don't you?'

You and Calum had been whisper-arguing like this for the past 15 minutes since you saw a spider.

'Listen, Calum, I am more afraid of it than you are, just get a glass and set it free.' You said to him, not once taking your eye off of the spider.

'You know what you're doing so why don't yo- HOLY CRAP IT MOVED Y/N THE FREAKING SPIDER MOVED.' Calum screamed and you both moved back quickly and held each other.

'Calum if I die, it was me that used the last of your coconut body wash. I'm sorry.' You confessed dramatically.

'It was you...' Calum eyed you up and down suspiciously and then Michael walked in.

'MICHAEL!' You both shouted, 'GET RID OF THE SPIDER!'

He just shook his head, 'oh my god you guys need to grow a pair, it's only a money spider.' Michael said this and picked up the spider and let it off outside.



A/N - I haven't updated in years but you can all blame my school! And Michael and Calum's are extra sucky I know but what yah gonna do?

If I wrote a fanfic, would any of you read it? 🙊

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