Luke Imagine for Aimee

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Personal Luke Imagine for Aimee

I heard a knock at the door and swiftly went and opened it, brushing my clothes down at the same time.

'Hello Aimee, your date has arrived,' Luke smiled as he leaned against the doorway.

I breathed out a bit. I was nervous but a good type of nervous; like a a-zoo-erupted-in-my-stomach-cause-I-saw-you nervous. Honestly, it's always the same when I'm around Luke. Even when we were just best friends and now, we've even been on a few dates and I'm still not used to it.

'So where are we going on this fine night?' I asked as I locked the door and Luke led the way forward.

'It's a surprise, I wanted to do something different,' he said, shyly taking my hand at the same time. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and kept walking down the path. We must of walked about a mile until we came to a grassy hill and it looked muddy.

'Do I have to walk up that?' I asked, a bit disturbed at the thought of getting dirty.

'No, silly. I'm going to carry you up.'

'Wha-?' Before I could even finish my word, Luke had hoisted me up onto his back and was now steadily making his way up the hill in the moonlight.

'You sure you know where you're going?'

He nodded in response and for the rest of the 'journey' we would be in silence, enjoying the cool air or making a bit of small talk. A few times Luke would be that cheesy movie boyfriend, for example, he would stumble backwards and loosen hid grip on me, to then make me scream but pick me back up again, reassuring me he'd never let me go.

'Ok we're here,' Luke announced finally putting me down.

I looked forward and saw the moon, shining brightly as always, overlooking a blanket, with a couple of large rocks probably holding it down. There was also a small basket; Luke led me over to it all where we both sat down and he took out a bottle of...juice? He must of noticed my confused expression:

'Yeah, I wasn't allowed to buy wine or anything...' he said sheepishly.

I just laughed and took the drink Luke offered. We also ate some food that Luke had also bought along, before pushing that all to the side and lying down. I rested my head on Luke's chest and listened to his heartbeat. It was relaxing and almost beautiful. He wrapped his arm around me and we started to talk again.

'So Aimee, what do you want to happen in the future?' He asked randomly.

'I don't know...I guess I want to have a good career and a family and yeah, the cliché stuff really.' What about you Luke?'


I turned my head up to look at him, 'Huh?'

'I see you in the future, with me. And we'll have a little family, and I'll come home and you'll be making cookies with our son or daughter, then in the evening, we can all cuddle up on the couch. Is that weird?'

I put my head back in it's original place, 'No...' I heisted for a bit, 'I guess it's not.'

'Do you want that to happen?' Luke questioned, stroking my hair and kissing the top of my head.

'Of course I do,' I smiled to myself and I swore I could of heard Luke mutter 'good'

I think I was beginning to grow sleepy from the lulling sound of Luke'e heartbeat but it was in that moment that I knew:

I loved Luke. And I wanted a future with him.


A/N - Apologies for the late update but I'm back to school and I don't think that needs much explaining really...

Ok, I have to be real quick because my laptop is about to die but I hope you guys are good.

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