24 ~ Your Favourite (Physical) Feature About Him

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Your Favourite (Physical) Feature About Him:

Ashton: His arms. I mean to be honest, who doesn't love Ashton's arms? But seriously, you feel much safer in his arms. They are obviously much, much longer than yours and that makes you feel protected when he wraps them around you. And the hugs. Wow. He will randomly come up behind you, snake his arms around you and from that moment on you will just feel happy and not care about a thing because you are in the arms of the guy you love.

Luke: His hands. His hands were a lot bigger than yours so he would be able to hold your hands in his when they got cold or say when you got nervous. Luke would always have soft hands as well that made you want to just constantly hold them and you would just love playing with them as well. Walking down the street, you would feel safe holding Luke's hands, like it felt like when you were holding his hand, nobody could touch you because it was just him and you.

Michael: His eyes. You could literally stare at them all day; you just thought they were so beautiful. The colour of them was simply the most gorgeous green you had seen in your life, and you were just a tad jealous because it was a nicer shade than yours. Another thing you loved was how they would show how Michael was feeling. If he tried to act happy, you could tell that something was up because his eyes would tell a completely different story. And when he was genuinely happy, you could see the way his eyes lit up.

Calum: His ankles. Yes, you loved his ankles. It might seem weird but there was just something about them that you liked. He found it quite amusing at first, that you had a thing for his ankles but then he'd notice how you got annoyed when he 'showed them off' because of how...pretty? they were. He would then purposely show them off, just so you could get major feels over his ankles and he knew it got to you because you'd just sit and stare at them. Weird? Yes. But let's be honest, Calum's ankles = heaven.


A/N - Don't judge me on Calum's...I really do love his ankles...

Anyways, shoutout to @That_Biersack_Girl for leaving really nice feedback on her imagine and cute messages on my message board, it made my day 😘

QOTD: Do you like waffles or chocolate pancakes better?

AOTD: I guess waffles because I've never actually had chocolate pancakes before... 🙊 but I think I'd like them...

I want to answer more questions so please comment one or leave one on my message board

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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