40 ~ Whipped

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A/N - My goals for the end of the year on this book are 200K reads, 2K votes and 400 comments and I've also decided to do a tiny, little, mini Halloween series and there'll obviously be a Christmas series in December :) Thoughts on a wedding series?

This is crappy as well, so I apologise in advance :(



Ashton: 'Mate, you're whipped,' Luke laughed.

'No I'm not!' Ashton defended.

'You sure about that?'


He turned around and Luke followed him to the sitting room, where you were sat talking with Calum and Michael. Little did Ashton know that you had heard his and Luke's conversation and you were going to test it out and see if it was true. Ash came and sat down by you as you smiled naturally at him, 'hey babe, can you get me the remote?' He nodded and passed it to you, even though it was only on the coffee table. 'And could you get me a drink?' 'Sure.'

'Ashton?' Luke asked.


'Can you get me the remote?'

'But Y/N's got it, get it yourself.'

'What about a drink too?'

'Nope.' Ashton said shaking his head.

You and the other three boys smirked at each other, 'babe, you're whipped.'

Luke: 'Hey Luke could you get the bags for me. They're just by the door, it's just that my shoulder is killing.' You asked, wiith a cheesy smile.

'Sure baby,' Luke said smiling and gave you a kiss on the cheek. Michael looked up from his phone, and coughed at the same time he said 'whipped' 'No I'm not,' Luke muttered.

Michael raised his eyebrows at Luke, 'whatever you say.'

'Y/N? Am I whipped because Michael says I am?' Luke whined as he followed you to wherever you were going.

You stopped and thought about it for a minute but you couldn't think of what to say to him so you just walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. Luke conitnued to follow you, 'please tell me?'

'Luke, I honestly don't think you are but you do run around after me a lot and do the things I say...So actually, maybe you are a little.'

'Oh, but I'm glad I've got such an amazing person to run around after,' Luke smiled as you just rolled your eyes and applied mascara, 'wait. I thought you said your shoulder hurt?'

You looked up at Luke and gave him a sheepish smile, 'well yeah, about that...'

Michael: '£10 says he's whipped already.' Calum whispered.

'£10 says he's not,' Ashton shot back.

You and Michael had been dating for little over a week now and because the boys had barely seen the sight of him, they invited you both around. There was a knock at the door and Calum and Ashton both ran to it, fighting to open in. After 5 minutes of messing around, you and Michael mananged to get inside.

'C'mon Y/N, lets get warm, I'll take your coat.' He smiled at you as he took the coat off for you.

Calum raised his eyebrows at Ashton, who just pouted a little.

'Do you want a cup of tea Y/N? I'll make you a cup of tea and get you some food.' Michael said really quickly.

You just laughed at him, along with Calum.

'Michael, can you show me to the front room?' You asked.

'Yeah sure, c'mon it's through here. Do you want anything else?'

'I think I'll take that £10 now Ashton Irwin,' Calum smirked, holding out his hand as Ashton dug around in his pocket while sulking.

Calum: 'Oh god!' You groaned, coming out of the bathroom; you found out you just got your period.

'What is it? Are you ok?' Calum said, rushing to you. 'Do you need anything?'

You nodded your head and said a few food items and things like blankets and a hot water bottle, which he then left to get. You gave the other boys confused looks as they laughed at Calum.

'What?' You questioned, still really confused but they just waved it off.

'I think I've got everything Y/N...Do you want anything else because I can go get it.'

'No it's ok, thanks Cal,' you said to him as you made your way over to the couch. Calum went upstiars to grab his phone or something and the other boys started to laugh again.

'What is it? Do I have something on my face or..?'

'No...' Luke said composing himself, 'it's just you've got Calum whipped and he hasn't got a clue.'

You then started to piece everything together and realized, 'oh...don't say anything though, I could really use him running around after me this week, especially because of my -'

'WE'VE HEARD ENOUGH!' Michael shouted.


A/N - Hellllloo :)

How is everyone?

I hope you're enjoying my preferences bc they've been rubbish lately 😂

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