Ashton Imagine for Shaleigh

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A/N - This will also be my last personal imagine in this book.


Personal Ashton Imagine for Shaleigh

I grabbed Ashton's hand as I ran down the street through the rain. We, well, he decided it'd be a good idea to go for a little walk. I didn't think it would be, purely because I didn't want to walk and it was forecasted to rain. And guess what? It rained!

'Ashton Fletcher Irwin, next time you want to go for a walk, you're going by yourself!' I shouted behind me.

'Sorry Shaleigh,' He said and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

'It's not funny!'

'It is,'


Finally we got to our little flat and I fumbled in my bag to get my keys out, which was proving difficult because my hands were literally freezing. I swear they were going to turn to ice.

Me and Ash got inside and I instantly turned up the heating and took my shoes and coat off.

'Ok, I'm gonna go and dry my hair a little and change into some pyjamas.' I placed my shoes and coat on one of the radiators, making sure they didn't fall off and made my way upstairs, ringing my hair out the best I could. I grabbed a few towels from the airing cupboard in our bathroom and went into our bedroom. I quickly changed into some sweats and a vest top; I put a hoodie on and towel dried my hair after deciding there was probably no point properly drying it because I was going to wash it in the morning anyway. I was collecting up the towels when I heard a loud crash followed by a groan coming from outside the bedroom.

'Oh god, what's he done now?' I mumbled to myself, shaking my head.

I held my hand up to my mouth trying not to laugh at Ashton, who was lying on the stairs, 'What happened?'

'Your stupid wet hair, that's what happened.'

'Ash, that makes no sense and it's your fault my hair is wet...but yeah, I'm kinda sorry about that...' I trailed off sheepishly, giving him a sweet smile.

'You're lucky I didn't die.'

'You're lucky I didn't when we were out!' I said and walked past him. He succeeded in getting up the stairs this time around. I went to get a couple of blankets out and layed them on the sofa and turned on the tv. Ashton came back with...Mario Kart!

He gave me a knowing smile and I returned it, 'Oh Ashton, you know me too well.'

'I know. Ok, so we have like 5 rounds and whoever loses has to be the other person's slave. For a week.'

'If I were you, I would of brushed up on them Mario Kart skills Ash,' I said competitively and smirked at him.

'Oh prepared to be beaten,'

'It's on.'

Me and Ashton started to play and for the first 3 rounds I won, as usual, and all the way through our fourth one I was in the le-

'I came last?! How?' I said, my jaw dropping slightly. I never came last. Ever. Ashton just gave me a smug smile, which I just returned with a glare. I sat up straight and rolled the sleeves of my hoodie. Things were about to get serious. But as we continued through the last race, I was staying second and no matter what I did could I get past Ashton.

'Ashton what did you do to the game?'

'Nothing.' He laughed.

'Sur- OH WHY? I NEVER LOSE!' I threw down my controller and crossed my arms, pretending to be upset, I mean I was actually a little upset but I won the whole thing so it was ok.

'Aw, come here Shaleigh, will a hug make it better?' Ashton patronized.


He moved over on the sofa a bit and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He rested his head in the crook of my neck and we stayed like that for a while, the only thing that we could hear was the sound of the heavy rain.

'Ok, a hug made it a lot better.' I whispered, smiling.

'I thought it would,'

'But do you remember what you said Ash?'

'What?' He asked confused.

'Whoever loses has to be the other person's slave - for a week,' I smirked. 'I think I could do with a hot chocolate right now.'

'I don't think you could do with one.' He mumbled.

'What was that?'

'Oh, nothing,' He quickly said, 'I'll go make one now.'


A/N - I haven't been on in ages and I've kinda lost my writing spirit the now :(

I hope all you guys are ok though 😘

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