55 ~ New Years Kiss

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New Years Kiss:

Ashton: 'It's okay Ashton, I promise. You can't help it if your flight is delayed. Love you, see you when you get back.' As you ended the call you sighed, you were going to be spending New Years Eve alone again because there had been some sort of hold up at the airport, meaning none of the boys could get back. You just spent about 5 minutes uselessly stood in the lounge before you made your way to your bedroom so you could grab some pyjamas and blankets.

You continuously flicked through the different channels trying to find something decent to watch but you ended up settling on a movie that you'd never heard of before. What you didn't realize was that it was a horror film and you'd managed to lose the remote. Great, just my luck, you thought. You tried not to concentrate on the tv as you continued to look for the remote.

'Goddamn it, where is the remo-AHHHHHH!!' You almost jumped out of your skin as you felt something, or rather, someone grab onto your shoulders. The person let out a deep laugh as you reached out and flicked the light switch. 'Ashton?' You asked in complete shock, 'ASHTON!'

He bit his lip and nodded, 'happy New Year baby.' He said before pulling you into a hug. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist before kissing him.

'It's gonna be a good one this year Ash, I can just tell.'

Luke: 'C'mon Y/N, we gotta get down to the beach.' Luke said excitedly.

You looked up at the clock and rubbed your stomach, 'I don;t know Luke, I feel a bit sick.'

His head shot up as he literally ran over to you, 'what are you okay? Is the baby okay? What's happening?'

'Luke, calm down, everything's fine, I just feel a bit sick. You can still go down to the beach if you want?'

'No. I'd rather be here with you. You have a rest the now and we can always go and do something tomorrow if you're up for it.'

You gave him an apologetic smile as you went to go and lie down on the couch, while Luke went through to the kitchen. You instantly fell asleep as soon as you closed your eyes. You slept for a couple of hours before Luke came and woke you up, 'you alright now Y/N?' You nodded as you sat up. After stretching a little bit, Luke took you out onto the balcony where there were fireworks of all different colours going off.

'what tim-' You began to say but Luke cut you off with a kiss. He whispered a happy new year to you before crouching down and talking to your stomach, 'Okay mini hemmo, you stop bothering your mummy because it's only a couple more weeks and then you can come out. Let mummy rest for a bit.' He smiled and rubbed your stomach.

'I love you so much Luke.' You kissed him again as you two swayed on the balcony, holding each other tightly.

Michael: You rubbed your hands together and blew into them while you watched your boyfriend, Michael and the rest of the band finish off the last song. They had been invited to perform at a New Years Eve concert for a local charity, and naturally, they accepted. You watched the fans, who had complete love in their eyes and you were nervous for the day when you had to tell them all that you and Michael were dating.

'Thank you everyone for coming here on this cold New Years Eve night, I hope you're all okay?' Michael shouted into the microphone. The fans screamed in reply. 'Now, it's nearly midnight and I want to start a great way to start the New Year so can I call up Y/N Y/L/N on stage please?'

You froze and shook your head at him but one of the guards bought you up. 'Michael what are you doing?' You hissed.

'Guys, there's 20 seconds of 2014 left and I just want to introduce to my girlfriend, fans say hello to Y/N, Y/N say hello to the fans.' You gave a small wave as the fans started to cheer and countdown.

'10, 9, 8, 7, 6-' 'I love you Y/N,' Michael said into the microphone earning some 'awwws' from the crowd. '4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!' Everyone shouted and then started another chant, 'KISS KISS KISS KISS.' Michael grabbed your hand and pulled you forward as you shared a deep kiss, while Ashton shouted in the background, 'okay kids keep it PG!'

Calum: You took the party hat of your head and grabbed another drink, 'yay again I have nobody to kiss at midnight.' You frowned and looked at your best friend, Calum.

'Aww, that's a shame...neither do I.' He pouted.

You faked a gasp, 'surely not, Calum the 'I get all the girls' Hood.'

He waved off your comment and dug around in his pocket for something. He put his hand in his other jean pocket while you sat there really confused but intrigued. 'Calum, what are you doing?' You laughed.

'Wait a minute..aha! Got it.' He held up a small piece of paper, which had been folded up several times. You tilted your head to the side, asking him what it was. He unfolded it and held it up. It was the promise you and Calum had made at the beginning of this year saying that if neither of you had anyone to kiss, then you might as well kiss each other.

You smiled at the memory, 'so what do you say then Calum?'

He grinned, 'well a promise is a promise.' Just as the countdown reached one, you and Calum leaned in for a kiss. 'Maybe 2015 is the year we become more than best friends?' Calum asked.

'Maybe it is.'


A/N - happy (nearly) new year everyone!! i hope you had a good christmas (or if you don't celebrate christmas, a good holiday) and have safe new year. i don't know about you but i'm pretty excited for 2015 😌

qotd: do you have any new years resolutions?
aotd: i never stick to them so nope, none for me

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