44 ~ Wedding Dress Hunt (Wedding Series #4)

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Wedding Dress Hunt (Wedding Series #4)

Ashton: You sighed as you sat down on one of the chairs, your sister coming over an sitting down next to you. 'We'll find a dress soon, I swear,' your older sister said, rubbing your back.

'Yeah I know, but we've looked in nearly every shop and I just want everything to be perfect!' You sighed again and started to put your shoes back on.

'And it will be. Ashton loves you no matter what,'

You nodded and glanced around the shop one last time, preparing to pick your bags back up when your eyes landed on a dress. But this dress wasn't like the others; it was absolutely gorgeous.

'Umm can I try on that dress?' You asked one of the assistants. She nodded politely and grabbed the dress, taking you into the dressing room you had been going in and out of for the past couple of hours. It took you and the assistant about 25 minutes to get the dress on but it was worth the wait. You stepped out of the dressing room and looked at your sister, whose jaw had now dropped and you could swear she was starting to well up.

She walked over and wiped up eyes, pulling you in for a hug, 'You look beautiful, Ashton is just going to fall even more in love with you.'

Luke: 'Hey what you doing?' Luke asked, walking into your bedroom eating a bag of chips.

You covered up your designs for your wedding dress as quickly as you could, 'I'm designing my wedding dress Luke!' You had been designing clothes for a couple of years now and you knew it was going to be a challenge but you decided that you wanted an original wedding dress,

'Why can't I see it?' Luke whined.

'Because I haven't finished yet and it's a surprise!'

'But I wanna see it.'

You sighed and looked up at Luke, 'only four more months baby and we'll be getting married, can you wait that long?'

He leaned down and kissed your forehead, 'I can wait forever and you'll look beautiful no matter what, I can tell. As long as you are by my side and I can call you Mrs Hemmings, that's all that matters.'

Michael: You sat on the couch scrolling through cheap wedding dresses, while working out how much you could spend on one. You and Michael planned on getting married very soon but you were both pretty much broke. You clicked onto yet another website but this time you were greeted with your idea of the perfect wedding dress. You clicked on the picture, bringing you to a other page, where you just stared at the dress for about 10 minutes before Michael bought you back to reality.

'Found anything?' He asked, smiling.

You pointed at the screen but put your hand down and your smile faltered when you realized how much it cost, 'No, not yet, need to keep looking I guess.'

Michael gave you a suspicious look, 'what about that one you had on the screen?'

'It's too expensive,' you mumbled.

'What was that?'

'It's too much. We don't have enough money for it.'

He came and sat down beside you and put the laptop aside, 'baby, please don't worry about money, you go buy that dress if you want it! I want you to be as happy as possible on our big day. I love you so much Y/N and I want the best for you so please just get the dress.' You tried to protest but Michael cut you off, 'honestly it'll be fine Mrs. Soon-To-Be Clifford.'

Calum: One afternoon, you and Calum's mum decided to have a wonder around the shopping centre while she was in town. Calum was going to come along but he had to go to the studio last to record last minute.

'Why don't we have a look in here,' Joy said, pointing towards a wedding dress shop.

'I don't know -'

'It'll be fun, and you never know - you might find something!' She said, smiling excitedly.

She grabbed your hand pulled you in. You both put your bags down and started to look through all the rails of wedding dresses. You were on the fourth clothing rail when you laid your eyes on a stunning dress. Joy must've noticed too because she came over, nodding at it. You turned over the price tag and let it go again, your eyes widening at the price.

'Go on, I'll pay for it!'

'No I can-'

'Yes you can let me do that, you love the dress, go try it on and I'll pay for it if it's ok. You're going to be my future daughter-in-law! Now, what are you waiting for, go try on the dress!'


A/N - Hello everyone :)

Ok I need to honestly have a little rant, in fact 2 rants, wait I probably have about 20 but sshh however I'm not gonna do it here so I don't see why you needed to know this...but oH WELL

If you can see the picture on the side or at the top, comment your favourite dress 😌

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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