53 ~ (au) He's A Nerd & Asks You Out

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(au) He's A Nerd & Asks You Out:

Ashton: 'I can't believe Ashton fell for it again! It's like the sixteenth time surely?' Your friend shrieked and everyone joined in the laughing. You gave a small smile, feeling sorry for Ashton; he hadn't done anything and he seemed like a really sweet boy. Your group of 'friends' split into two, leaving you with the girls while you walked to your locker. You took out your key and sorted out the books that you needed next, 'Don't you guys feel the tiniest bit sorry for Ashton?'

All of the girls turned around and looked at you like you'd grown three heads. 'Are you joking Y/N?' one of them piped up, 'he's a nerd and we're popular, he deserves it.'

You frowned slightly but stopped yourself from saying anything else. As you took out your Maths book, that had small doodles drawn all over, you felt a tiny tap on your shoulder. You looked up and noticed that it was none other than Ashton standing in front of you, with his couple of friends hiding behind the locker around the corner. You gave him a polite smile and decided to ignore your friends, who had now started to whisper horrible comments to one another.

'Hi Y/N...I-I was just wondering and I know this is a stupid idea but willyougooutwithme?' Ashton said and there was an explosion of laughter from everyone, who had now gathered around.

You took Ashton's hand, 'yes and why don't we go to lunch together later as well? I'd much rather hang out with you than these...people.' You said, wishing you could capture the looks on everyone's faces and walked away with Ashton.

Luke: '...and finally Y/N and Luke.' You heard snickers coming from your friends at the back as your teacher finished reading out the pairings for the summer project. You had never really talked to Luke before, mainly because your group and his didn't get along. After the teacher explained what the project was about. Luke awkwardly moved from his seat at the front of the class to yours, which was at the back.

'Yo, Luke!' One of the jocks shouted. Luke turned around only to be hit in the face by some paper screwed up in a ball. Somehow, the majority of the class found it hilarious. You looked up and noticed that Luke was looking slightly flustered. Soon enough, the class ended, much to Luke's delight as he ran out to the next class.

'Luke! Luke slow down!' You shouted down the corridor. You ignored all the strange looks you were getting from my classmates and continued to shout for him, 'Luke, seriously slow down, dude.' He abruptly stopped in the middle of the corridor and you managed to run straight into him, which left him slightly red faced. 'I'm sorry about those guys being jerks back there, just ignore them Luke.' You told him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

'It's ok Y/N...' He replied, his voice cracking when he said your name. You were about to turn around when Luke spoke up again, 'hey I was just wondering because you know how we're doing this project together, if you wanna meet up after school?' He let out a breath, which he, himself, probably didn't realize he was holding.

'Sure, I'd love to.'

Michael: 'So who do you wanna go to the dance with Y/N?' Your friend asked from across the lunch table.

You picked at your fries and looked over at the 'nerd' table, where Michael was sitting by himself. Your friend followed your gaze, 'Oh my god, are you serious? You can't go with him!'

'Why not?' You asked defensively.

'Because you're popular, you'll just get laughed at and you don't want that.'

'I don't know...he seems pretty cool.' You mumbled into your hand, not bothering to look up at your friend, who was now hitting your arm. 'What do you wa- oh...hey,' You said as you noticed Michael now stood at the end of the table.

'Hi Y/N.' He said, as he scratched the back of his neck, 'umm...do you, erm, have anyone to go to the dance with yet?'

You looked at your friend, who was pretending to gag and you elbowed her. Smiling you looked up at Michael, 'as a matter of fact, no I don't.'

Michael's face lit up instantly, 'this is just an idea and I totally understand if you don't want to come to the-'

You cut him off by standing up and giving him a quick peck on the cheek, 'I'd love to go to the dance with you.' He gave you a big smile, with a slightly dazed look, more than likely contemplating if what just happened was a dream or reality. You sat back down and your friend gave you 'the look'.

'You're gonna regret this so much.'

'Oh shut up Y/F/N, I like him ok.'

Calum: You walked into the small biology classroom placing down your bag and quickly texting your friends, telling them that you wouldn't be at lunch because you had to catch up with your biology work. You took out your book and grabbed a text book from the cupboard and let hell begin.

'What does this even mean?' You continuously asked yourself as you tried to make sense of the terms that you had never come across before. Biology had never really been one of your strongest subjects but your mum said you wouldn't get to go to prom if you didn't pass.

'Need help there?' A voice from behind you said. You almost jumped out of your skin and looked around, clutching your chest. 'Sorry...'

'Nah, it's ok Calum.' He looked slightly taken aback that you knew his name but secretly you had always had a crush on him despite the fact he was labelled as a nerd and god forbid a 'popular' person liking someone like him. You hated the fact it was like this. 'But yeah, could you help-' Just as you were about to finish your sentence, the bell signalling the end of lunch went. 'Ugh, I'm never going to pass at this rate!'

'You could come to my house after school and I could help you,' Calum began to say, 'but only if it's ok with you and you want to that is,' he added on the end.

You stood up and gave him a quick hug and you noticed a blush creep onto his cheeks, 'Calum you are a lifesaver.' You took one of your sticky notes and scribbled down a number, 'here's my number and just give me a call and I'll come round. Literally, how am I ever going to pay you back?'

'We could go on a date sometime?' Calum suggested, obviously feeling very confident.

You felt yourself going a bit warm, 'well I don't know, we'll just have to see how good your tutoring is.'


A/N - hey everyone, this is really long but I enjoyed writing it...it was different.
I want to also say thank you for nearly 410K reads 😱 it's so close to 500K, which is half a million and that's just crazy!

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