62 ~ You Like Him But He Has A Girlfriend (Part 1)

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a/n - requested


You Like Him but He Has a Girlfriend:

Ashton: Tonight was the night. You were finally going to ask Ashton, after 3 years of being best friends, out on a date. Usually, you preferred the traditional way - the boy asks out the girl - but it seemed that Ashton hadn't got the hint yet so you decided to do it yourself. Pinning a tiny bit of hair back, you admired yourself in the mirror, just to make sure you looked nice enough for Ashton. You heard the front door open and jogged down the stairs, your stomach ding flips, anxious to see Ash.

'Hello, Y/N, you look nice today,' Ashton brightly smiled, giving you a small hug. He smelt good, like always and your hands were shaking as you opened your mouth ready to ask him. 'I'd like you to meet someone.'

Your jaw dropped a little whilst your eyes widened as a beautiful girl stood before you, making you feel extremely self-conscious. 'Y/N meet Aimee, my beautiful girlfriend, Aimee this is Y/N' Ashton said, proudly wrapping his arm around her waist. She kindly held out her hand for you to shake and smiled at you. You gave a faltered smile as your vision went a little blurry and tears pricked at your eyes, 'um, I-I have to go, it was nice meeting you.' You turned on your foot and grabbed a coat: leaving the flat; tears pouring down your face; your heart now in two.

Luke: You made your way downstairs where your brother and his friend, Luke, were in a very intense game. You coughed and your brother turned around, causing him to lose focus and in turn lose the game. 'Dammit Y/N!'

'Thanks Y/N!' Luke winked, causing you to blush and smile like a freak, which you luckily managed to cover up with a small coughing fit.

Your brother threw down the controller gently and stood up and then you took his place on the couch,a couple of inches away from Luke, 'I'm just gonna go to the shop and get some drinks,' he said, 'I'll be back soon.'

Luke and you wee left in silence as he played on his phone, a smile tugging at his lips. You bit your lip and looked over at him, 'so how are you then Luke?' There was no hiding the flirtatious tone in your voice.

He looked over at you, his blue eyes staring right into yours, 'I'm great and how about yourself?'

You were so drawn in by his eyes that you completely ignored his question and inched closer to him, only centimetres away from his face. It was your chance. You had liked him for ages and now that your brother wasn't around you could show him. 'Umm Y/N? What are you doing? I have a girlfriend?' Luke asked, shocked by your actions. You quickly retracted and turned your face away so he couldn't see your embarrassment. He punched your arm gently, 'it's okay, I get it, I'm just too damn irresistible!' You laughed along with him but couldn't help but feel sad at the fact a guy like him would never want a girl like you.

Michael: You and Michael were meant to be, there was no denying that. Your friends said, your family said, damn even his parents and friends said it but sadly for you, he didn't see it, especially since he'd had a girlfriend for the past two years and ignored any signs of you liking him. Nonetheless, you were still really close friends and that was the only reason you even agreed to go to his party that he'd organized.

'You okay Y/N?' Luke smiled when you arrived.

'...ish, you?'

He didn't reply but instead pulled you in for a hug, making you feel a bit better, 'thanks Luke.' You went off with him to get drinks when you noticed Michael stood up on a table with his girlfriend, you rolled your eyes but walked over, a drink in your hand, not prepared for what was about to happen.

'Guys, you all know my amazing and gorgeous girlfriend Lucy? Well I think it's about time she became more than that so Lucy,' he dropped down on one knee just as quickly as your jaw dropped,' will you marry me?' Tears were already spilling from your eyes as you turned around and ran out, Luke calling after you. Maybe you and Michael weren't meant to be after all.

Calum: 'Go and talk to him Y/N he clearly likes you,' your friend teased as one of the most popular (and hottest) guys in school, Calum, sat at the desk across from you in the classroom.

'And does he "clearly" like me?' You asked, rolling your eyes. You never got your hopes up with these things, yes you liked him but you knew he'd never like you.

She pushed you forward to where he was sat, surprising not surrounded by the majority of the girls and guys in your class like he usually was. You awkwardly coughed to get his attention and he looked up, 'hey Y/N?'

You nodded, 'um..' You hesitated and looked back at your friend who gave you a thumbs up, 'I was just wondering if um...'

Before you could finish a fake blonde came up and kissed Calum, 'and what are you doing with my boyfriend?' You made up some stupid excuse about asking him if he'd got that class' homework and then embarrassed, walked back to your friend and banged your head on the table.

'You were wrong,' you lifted your head back up and put it in your hands, 'he doesn't like me. He will never like me no matter how much I like him because he's too interested in fake ass bitches like her.' You looked back over at Calum, to see if he'd shown any interest in you and wih the hope that maybe, just maybe he was looking but no. You knew that it'd always be this way.


a/n - hEeeLllOooOo 🌚

guys, i'm starting to write a nerdy (probably) calum fanfic that i said i wanted to write like last year or something and i just need your help with a few things before i do:

- would you want it in (mainly) his POV or the POV of the girl (like most fanfics)?

- can anyone of you comment girls names for the female main character (and possibly a few other female characters)?

- this ones kinda important - do any of you have major plot twists i could use in the fanfic bc i have a rough idea of what could happen but i'd like you guys to have an input? (if you do, pm me and if i use it, you'd of course get full credit etc... when i actually publish the story)

ty if you answered any of the points, bai 🌞

🌸 vote, comment, stay beautiful

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