Luke Imagine for Annabel

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Personal Luke Imagine for Annabel

Another chessy Netflix film ended and so did my ice-cream. Yes. I know it's the the typical 'I've-just-broken-up-with-someone' thing to do but I wasn't worrying about that. I was worrying about there being no ice-cream left.

I wandered through to the kitchen, leaving my warm blankets behind. Bad idea, annabel, bad idea. I raided my cupboards and fridge for food as I contemplated on whether I should just go ahead and marry Ansel Elgort instead...yeah I think I'll do seems like a good idea.

I was cut of from my thoughts by my phone ringing. 'Hi...' I said, stupidly not looking at the caller ID.

'Hey Annabel,' I heard Jodie say, 'Are you ok?' Thank god for that. I thought it could of been Lu- never mind...

'Oh yeah, I'm amazing, never felt better,' I said sacastically, physically rolling my eyes as well.

'I'll take that as a no then...Anyway, I was ringing up about the concert later, I take it you're not coming anymore?'

Oh yeah, that concert. The concert in which I am no longer going to because it would be just a tad awkward watching your ex boyfriend, who you had just had an argument with earlier that day and then broken up with, at a concert.

'Of course I'm not, what do you expect?' I snapped and instantly regretted it; it wasn't her fault. 'Sorry for snapping, it's just difficult not to be in a mood right now.'

'Aww I know,' Jodie said sympathetically, 'You know I would love to come round and have a movie night with you but I'm already at the venue and -'

''It's ok Jodie, I get it,' I said and I meant it. I wanted to just be alone tonight anyway and Jodie loves concerts and I don't want to take that away from her and make her sit and listen to me ramble on about life.

We said our goodbyes and I ended the call. I collected all the food I wanted and soon returned to my mass of blankets and cushions, which were now freezing, and cuddled up to them along with my food, phone and laptop. What else do I need. Ah yes, a drink. Damn. The kitchen is too far away now. I guess I'll have to settle for the bottle of water that's been on my bedside table for god knows how long...ok maybe not that...Eh if I need a drink I'll get one...maybes. I put another film on, just a random one; I couldn't be bothered to find a film that I hadn't already watched so yeah, random cheesy film it was!


I must of fallen asleep while watching movies because I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. And a dead arm. Can't leave the fact that my arms dead out nope. This time, however, I was clever and looked at the caller ID. It was Jodie again...but wait, isn't she at the concert, I thought as I looked at the time. Maybe it hasn't started yet...or she's been kicked out for running on stage and chaining herself to Ashton's drum kit - trust me, it's likely to happen. I answered the phone and heard a lot of very high pitched squealing and screams from girls.

'HELLO?' Jodie shouted.

'HI,' I tried to shout back.


Before either of us had chance to say bye, the call got disconnected and I put my phone down. I grabbed my laptop and logged onto twitter. I started scrolling through my notifications, RT'ing some tweets and ignoring the stupid hate that let's be honest, I knew I was gonna get anyway. As I started to scroll to the most recent mentions, I noticed a lot of them were video links to the same thing. I clicked on it, which bought me to a video called 'Luke's Apology' about me?

I started to watch it and tried I hold back tears when I heard Luke talking.

'I'd like to dedicate Beside You to someone who was - and still is - very important to me. Annabel. I know today wasn't a very good day for us and it lead to us breaking up but I just want you to know that I regret everything I said this morning, it was stupid. I knew I shouldn't of left despite you telling me to stay and I know it must be difficult not to ignore the rumours...but I want to let you know that none of it is true, none of it. I love you so much and ... I'm not sure how I'm gonna get through without you so I'm sorry and hopefully one day, things will be sorted out between us...' I heard Luke's voice break and that's when the tears started spilling out. He was right. I shouldn't of blamed him at all, rumours are just rumours, they weren't true.

I decided to wait about an hour until I was certain the concert was over. I picked up my phone and searched for Luke's number. I waited for him to pick up, trying not to chicken out at the same time.

'Hello?' I heard his voice.

'Luke..I'm sorry for blaming you, deep down I knew none of it was true, it's-'

'Annabel, just shut up, you shouldn't be forced to believe those rumours and it's my fault for brining you all into this.' I heard Luke say, sighing.

'Luke I wanna try this again...'

'Are you sure?' I could almost hear Luke's voice brighten up.

'Yes, but...' I said deciding to tease him.


'I want ice cream and pizza and more DVDs.'

'Picking them up as we speak.'


A/N - Here you go Eduardo ✌️

And yes I feature in this 🙊 and it's true, I would genuinely get myself kicked out of a concert for running on stage and chaining myself to Ashton's drum kit. Not even lying. So if there's pictures of that next year, it's me.

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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