42 ~ Telling The Boys/Parents/Family (Wedding Series #2)

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A/N - I rolled these into one because otherwise there'd be too many 'telling people' ones I guess?

Oh and after tonight I will no longer be known as 'mashtxnftcake'


Telling The Boys/Parents/Family: (Wedding Series #2)

Ashton: Ashton placed his arm around your waist as you tried to get the attention of everyone by tapping a fork on a glass. They all looked up and you awkwardly coughed and put the glass down.

'Hello everyone,' you and Ashton both did a little wave, 'we have a little announcement.'

Suddenly your dad spoke up, 'are you pregnant? Because if you're pregnant, that lad isn't seeing the light of day again.' Your mum gave him a little slap on the shoulder and signalled for you to continue.

'No, we're getting married.' You smiled and looked around at everyone, who were all now breaking into smiles and now all that could be heard were 'congrats,' and 'congratulations Mr and Soon To Be Mrs Irwin'

After everyone had gone over to the buffet table, your dad came up to you and Ash, 'Just don't hurt my little girl.'

'I won't, sir, in sickness or in health'

Luke: 'Luke I'm scared to tell them all,' you whispered to him as people started walking through the door.

He grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, 'it'll be ok, trust me.'

Everyone started sitting down and in the end, Ashton, Calum and Michael had to sit on the floor. You and Luke continued to whisper to each other, him telling you that it'll be fine and you shouldn't worry about it.

'GET ON WITH IT - I'M HUNGRY!' Michael shouted out, causing everyone to laugh. The laughing sort of calmed you down a bit but at the same time it made you a bit more nervous.

'So, me and Y/N have something to tell you all, we're engaged!' Luke said loudly to the people sat in front of you both.

Instantly, the boys and your families erupted into cheers and applause, coming up to you both for hugs.

'See I told you there was nothing to worry about,' Luke leant down and whispered to you.

You smiled at him, 'thanks Luke, I love you.'

Michael: You and Michael didn't really want to make a big fuss over telling everyone you're engaged so you decided to invite them all around for a big dinner and let them find out for themselves.

You were about halfway through your main dinner and nobody had shown any signs of realising you had a ring on your finger; you needed to start making it obvious.

'Hey Y/B/N, can you pass me the salt?' You asked while exaggerating a grabbing motion with your left hand. He handed you the salt but didn't notice nothing. Ten minutes passed. Still nothing. Until...

'Aunty Y/N, are you and Mikey married?' Your little cousin asked, pointing to your hand.

Everyone's heads turned to you as you and Michael stood up smiling, 'No but we're engaged.'

The table was then filled with chatter about you as you and your sister and mum started to talk about wedding details and Michael rolling his eyes.

Calum: You were really excited to tell all the boys and families that you were engaged. But you were creative so you didn't want to just tell them.

'Ok everyone, you need to work together and look around the garden to find some letters. There's thirteen of them. Go!' You looked at Calum, who was also excited to reveal the big news.

All of your small cousins started to run around, probably not for the letters but because Luke was running around too and more than likely scaring them away.

After about half an hour you gathered everyone around and got them to spread out the letters on a table. You and Calum stood there, trying not to give anything away even though the two of you had massive grins on your faces.

'Wait.' Michael said, 'I think I know what it says.' He spent a few minutes rearranging the letters and doing some really odd thinking faces and finally stood back showing everyone what it said "we're engaged"

You heard lots of 'congratulations' from your families and the boys before you got a huge group hug from everyone.


A/N - It feels like I haven't been in in ages omg how is everyone?

But yeah, funnily enough, I've been at a wedding and it was awesome despite the numerous times I got cramp in my legs. I guess that's what you get for wearing heels and dancing until like 1am. Such a party animal.

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