38 ~ You Comfort Him

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A/N - If you leave a link to your stories in the comments I'll check them out and vote for them :)


You Comfort Him:

Ashton: 'Hey Ash, you home?' You called into the house. There was no reply. 'Ashton?' You shouted a little louder this time, starting to get worried.

'Here,' a quiet voice from upstairs sniffled. You were now getting a bit concerned; Ashton was usually there to greet you at the door when you got home at work, always with a loud 'HELLO' and a big grin on his face.

You looked in your's and Ashton's bedroom, he wasn't there. You made your way over to the spare room where Ashton was sat huddled, his eyes red and puffy. 'What's wrong baby?' You asked. He just shook his head and pointed to his phone, which was lying in the floor and open on twitter; you didn't even need to ask. You lifted his chin up and turned his head towards you, 'Ash, do not listen to any of the crap anybody says about you. You're perfect, ok? Honeslty, there is no need to listen or read it, they're just jealous.' You reassured him as you wrapped your arm around him.

'You sure?' He asked, quietly, wiping his eyes.

'Yes, I'm sure! Now let's go get blankets and watch a film?'

Luke: 'What's wrong babe,' You asked Luke as he threw down a load of papers on the closet table.

'Nothing,' He replied, in a tone that made it obvious something was up. He tried grabbing his jacket from one of the hooks but a thread was keeping it from going anywhere. Luke just groaned and sighed, giving up on his jacket. To be honest, he's been like it all day, you thought. Like at breakfast, he couldn't get the bread out of the packet so he have up on that and then he couldn't get his jeans on so it took him about half an hour before he got them from pure loss of will power.

You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist. He turned around and you gave him a proper hug. You stayed like that for a few minutes, you then let go but led him over to the couch were you continued to hold each other tightly, 'it's ok Luke, you need a little break that's all cause you're stressed. Take a bit of time off and you'll be fine.'

'But the-'

'The band can wait for a few days, especially if you're not in the right state.' You said, raising your eyebrows.

'Thanks Y/N I love you.' Luke said, giving you a small kiss on your forehead.

Michael: You ran up to Michael as he came off stage. You were about to give him a hug when he waved you off. That never happens, he's usually buzzing after coming off stage, you thought. 'Michael?' You asked.

'What?' He snapped.

Your jaw dropped a little but you just shook your head, not wanting to upset him anymore. By this time the other boys had left the room. Micha must of noticed your shocked expression but he just rubbed his hands over his face, breathing out deeply. 'Y/N I'm sorry, it's just I messed up the lyrics and then what chord I was meant to play an-'

'Michael it's ok, nobody complained. From what I heard, they were loving it out there and everybody has off days, ok? Now come here.' You opened your arms and signalled for Michael to come over for a hug. You held him tightly, giving him small kisses and whispering little things in his ear.

'I'm way too lucky to have you Y/N.'

Calum: 'Y/N can you meet me at the hosital, please it's urgent.' Calum almost shouted down the phone.

'Sure what's wrong? Are you ok? What's happened?'

'I don't have to explain yet but please get here soon!' He said in a worried and exasperated tone. You couldn't help but start to get worried, it could of been something that happened to him. You drove as quickly as you could to the hospital, 'I'm here for Calum Hood?' You practically shouted at one of the staff.

'Y/N thank god you're here!' You heard a shout from the corridor and saw Calum jog down. He wrapped his long arms around you and you could tell he was now crying.

'Cal, what's wrong?'

'It's Mali, she got knocked over by a car and she's not waking up yet.'

'That's terrible but Calum, she's strong and she'll get through it ok? I won't let it happen and I know you won't ok? She will wake up perfectly fine ok?' You said, putting your hands on Calum's shoulders.

'You're right Y/N but I'm just a little scared.'

'Aw come here, she's gonna be ok.'


A/N - Ugh I'm so sorry I'm not good at comforting people so I wouldn't know how basically.

You guys ok? Cause if you're not, come speak to me, yeah? (^^ kinda contradicting myself but eh)

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