Ashton Imagine For Lani

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Personal Ashton Imagine for Lani

'Mom, I'm just going for a quick jog before we go out to lunch, ok?' I shouted to her from the front door, where i was tying up my trainers.

'Ok but don't be too long, I don't get to see you often!'

'I won't, there's no wifi when I go running so...' She just laughed to herself and I said bye and left, closing the door and sticking my headphones in.

I didn't know the area very well, so I didn't have a clue where I was going but oh well, the worst I could do was get lost...oh...

I began to jog listening to whatever came on next on my phone. I came to a small park and decided to take the path down there because it looked open, which meant there was less of a chance of losing my way. See I say that but I could probably lose myslef in my own house. It was quite a beautfulf are i was now in, actaully. There were large trees, that had just bloomed and the grass either side of the path was now starting to get a bright green. Flower buds had started to sprout and the lake a little bit further down and baby ducks swimming in it. It was peaceful and different from the usual crowded city that I was used to. It's why I liked spending time wiht my mom because we would always go places like this.

I stopped for a minute to catch my breath and checked my phone, noticing I had a text from my mom,

'Guess what's arrived for your birthday!'

'Is it the books you ordered? Can I have them now?'

'Yep and nope.'

I did a little dance in the middle of the park, hoping no one was watching but I was really excited; I wanted them books for ages and I'm finally going to get them.

I continued to run but I didn't notice the small twigs and rocks that had been strewn about, probably by some sort of small animal and me being me, tripped over them.

'Ow!' I excliamed, grabbing my knee and shin, where there was now a small cut and a little bit of blood. I tried to use the bottom of my shirt to wipe it off but it was a nice shirt so nope.

'Are you ok?' A stranger shouted overto me, now beginning to jog.

'Mind the rocks,' I laughed, nodding over at them.

'Haha, but are you alright?' He asked once again.

'Yeah I should be ok.'

'Really?' He questioned, raising his eyebrow at the tiny scrape on my knee.]

'Yes, really, I'm pretty much used to it anyway.' I nodded.

He held out his hand to help me up, smiling. I took it and smiled back. He was pretty cute as well so I could feel myself blushing as he helped me up. He went over and grabbed my phone, handing it back to me. We made eye contact for a few secinds before I looked away; he had gorgeous coloured eyes, and his smile was just beautiful. Plus, he didn't laugh at me when I fell over, unlike my friends who would of probably just laughed at me. I sub-conciously brushed my cloths down a little, and tried to fix my hair up, wanting to now make a good first impression.

'I'm Ashton by the way.' He said after a small while, holding out his hand again.

I shook it, 'I'm Lani and umm,' I looked around for a second, 'I kinda need to get back to my mom's house but I don't know where I am.'

'Well, it's good that I do, but there is a pretty good coffee shop close and...'

'And you want me to get coffee with you?' I smirked.

He blushed a little, 'Yeah.'

'Ok, then, I guess my books will just have to wait...' I trailed off dramatically.

'Oh if I'm interupting anythi-'

'No it's ok, I'm just kidding..ish..Haha, let's get some coffee though, I'm quite thirsty actually...'

'Is lunch pushing it?' Ashton asked.

'Afraid so, but maybe we could meet up for lunch some other time?' I smiled, blushing.

'I'd love that.'


A/N - 3rd update today...woah.

I don't like writing anything on my iPod anymore...the update has made it really weird...

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