50 ~ Your Wedding Article (Wedding Series #9)

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A/N - im really ill so you guys bEST APPRECIATE THIS. Just kidding, but please go easy on me 😥


Your Wedding Article: (Wedding Series #9)

Ashton: I don't know if any of you heard, but some pretty big stuff happened over the weekend. Yes, I'm talking about Ashton and Y/N who finally tied the knot and officially became Mr and Mrs Irwin! After 7 months of being engaged, Y/N finally walked down the isle in a stunning Vivienne Westwood dress and exchanged vows with Ashton, who, might I add, was looking handsome in his suit!! Luke Hemmings, one of Ashton's best men, told us earlier that 'I've never seen Ashton more happy, honestly, he's usually more moody than Y/N on her period...I've never seen him look at someone with more love in his eyes.' We can't wait until Ashton and Y/N come back home after their honeymoon, just don't get up to anything funny while you're there Mr & Mrs Irwin!

Luke: (ik this is from my other article preference but hey, i'm ill and not feeling paticulalry creative) 'I come with some bad new for all you Luke Hemmings' fans out there. He's officially taken and for good this time. That's right, Luke and Y/N have tied the knot and about now will be making their way to their honeymoon destination, which is rumoured to be the sunny Italy. Around 2pm yesterday, pictures from some of you sneaky fans were taken of Y/N entering the church in a very gorgeous Vera Wang dress. Official pictures of Mr and Mrs Hemmings are yet to be rerleased but Lord help our emotions when they do! Props to the fans that had waited a good 8 hours outside of the church to get a glimspe of the groom (hoping to get a picture an' all we bet, but who wouldn't?!) and then continued to wait until the newly weds exited the church. The fans that were patiently, ahem, waiting outside, claimed that 'Luke, especially, had the biggest smile on his face' Well, we can't wait to see the two of them but even if we don't, we still want to give Luke and Y/N Hemmo a huge congrats!'

Michael: Now I have some good news and some bad news. Good news, Michael Clifford got married! Bad news, Michael Clifford got married! We thought we were in with a chance but clearly not as the loved up couple only went and got themselves married on Wednesday. As you can see to the left of this article, official pictures of Mr and Mrs Clifford have been released, is it bad to say that I'm a teensy bit jealous?! Of course Y/N looked absolutely gorgeous, as always, and Michael impressed us all but what impressed us even more were the hashtags you guys came up with! Examples: #Y/NMarriedAKitten #Y/NGaveMikeyTheGreenLight and of course the classic #CongratsY/Ship/N
And they are the only ones we're allowed to show you because the majority of the trends were, erm...how do I put this...interesting? Either way, we wish both Michael and Y/N a happy life together and how they have a safe journey to their honeymoon destination!

Calum: Who's ready for some news that could possible leave you in (hopefully) happy tears? Well I've got some for you - Calum Hood of 5sos and his long term girflfriend Y/N got hitched at the weekend! Unfortuantly we can't show you any pictures yet but I know some of you sly fans mnanaged to get a few! There were reports of at least 25 fans waiting at the church/venue and you guys were quick to wave them off at the airport! Before they left for the plane flight to Hawaii, Calum tweeted 'Thanks to everyone who's shown support. I couldn't be happier right now, love you Mrs Y/N Hood ❤️' Can you hear the sounds of our hearts melting?!? Not much has been revealed about the bassist's wedding yet as it was held in a small town in New Zealand, but we do know that Luke caught the brides bouquet...so you should expect an article about Mr Luke Hemmings soon!


A/N - it's the end of the wedding series 😭 it's going to feel so weird not writing it anymore but I hope you all enjoyed it :-)

QOTD: What's your dream job?

AOTD: I would love to be in a band or something but I can't sing to save my life 😂 ummm either fashion design or journalism 👌

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