Luke Imagine for Molly

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Personal Luke Imagine for Molly

As soon as I heard a knock on my door, I knew it was my best friend Luke. If he could, he would always come around on a Thursday afternoon and we would sit and have a 'movie night'. Obviously, we've had to cut them down a lot but we still get to have them and the gossip-y chats all best friends have! It's sounds cliché but me and Luke tell each other everything. Well, I say everything, I haven't told him one thing. That I maybe, kinda, just a tiny, little, teensy, weeny bit like him.

'Hey Molly!' Luke said as he walked through the door.

'Hi, Lukey,' I replied as I pulled him in for a hug, 'Long time, no see! So how are you?'

'I'm good actually! I've missed you loads Molly...'

Damn them butterflies.

'I've missed you too Luke...but c'mon I'm hungry and I wanna order some pizza!'

Me and Luke made our way through to the sitting room, where I already had loads of pillows and blankets set up. I rummaged through my box of DVDs, trying to find a movie both me and Luke enjoyed. It was quite difficult because I didn't want to choose a soppy, romantic film because that would just make life awkward. But then at the same time choosing a horror film would have the same affect so I asked Luke to help me.

'I say we watch Mean Girls!' Luke said, maybe a bit too over-excited. I just groaned at his choice. I like the film, but not to the point where I know the script forwards and backwards. But it was the only film I had that I guess wasn't going to result in me wanting to snuggle into Luke.


I managed to last about halfway through the film, without looking over at Luke, partly because I had a pillow resting on his shoulder, where I layed my head and it was difficult to look past. It felt quite weird thinking that I didn't want to look at Luke because he had been my best friend for so many years and I'd never had to deal with this. WHY FEELINGS? WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU?

I rearranged my pillow, in the process sneaking a glance at Luke, where he was playing with his lip ring. If there is anyone up there, please save me, I knew I had to say or do something before he looked over at me gawping at him.

'Luke!' I half shouted at him.

He turned his head around as he replied, 'what?'

'Ummm, uh...' I trailed off. Well what do you expect. I couldn't exactly say to my best friend, oh hey Luke please stop playing with your lip ring cuase I kinda like it and it makes me wanna kiss you.

'What?' Luke asked confused.

I just looked at him blankly.

'You just said kiss you out of nowhere...'

Crap. 'Oh yeah, I was thinking of that song by..umm...One Direction and...ummm' Wow...award for the lamest excuse?

'Molly, you don't even like One Direction...' Luke said, 'Now please tell me why you said my name!'

I turned my head down but I felt Luke's hand pull it back up but this time he was closer to me and looking me straight in the eyes. I could feel Luke's breath on the lower half of my face and it was comforting in a way but wow, my heart and breathing sped up that much, I'm surprised Luke didn't say anything.

'Molly, did you know you have beautiful eyes?' Luke aksed

'Don't Luke, I hate my eyes being pointed out...'

'You shouldn't,' Luke said barely whispering. I felt his head lean towards mine even mor, if it was possible. I didn't really register what was happening until I felt Luke's lips touch mine. Maybe I was freaking out just a tiny bit because 1) I was kissing my best friend and 2) It was my first freaking kiss!! Did I forget to mention that? Oh well, it's not as if it's, you know A MAJOR THING. I could still feel Luke kisssing me softly, I tried kissing back but you know, I was caught off guard from the while situation. After about a minute, me and Luke seperated, his forehead leaning on mine, and me sat there out of breath, but smiling like an idiot.

'Molly...' Luke began to say, 'I really, really like you...'

'Luke, I like you too.' I smiled back at him before I leant in for another kiss...or two...


A/N - I hope this is ok, purely because I kinda forgot about the first kiss side of it :/

Anyways, a huge shoutout to @5sosfollowplx for voting loads and leaving a cute message on my message board 😘

And just to let you all know, I am changing my username, changing the cover of this book (slighlty) and editing a few chapters of this, just in case anybody cares...

I'm gonna stop cause this is too long already so

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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