41 ~ He Proposes (Wedding Series #1)

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He Proposes: (Wedding Series #1)

Ashton: 'Now I need to call someone very important onto the stage tonight,' Ashton said, walking up to Luke's microphone. You noticed Ash glancing and you and suddenly got very nervous as you could hear many screams from the crowds. You kept mouthing 'no' everytime Ashton looked over at you but soon enough Luke. Michael and Calum dragged you on.

'Ashton, what are you doing?' You said while smiling to everyone.

He completely ignored your question and started to talk, 'two years ago, I met you Y/N and I can remember how you had blonde hair and a little black bow in your hair. Oh, and you wore a dress with little cherries on it. I remember that time we got lost in the middle of the forest and you thought we were gonna get murdered. I mean obviously we didn't because we're here now but - I'm getting off track here! Basically, all I want to ask you Y/N is one question.' Ashton stepped back from the mic and got down on one knee, pulling out a little box. You could already feel tears welling up in your eyes. You didn't quite hear Ashton say it, but you saw him mouth the words 'will you marry me?'

'I would love to,' You smiled, crying and pulling Ashton in for a hug.

Luke: 'How much further?' You asked.

'Only a little while, we just have to get to the edge and we'll be there.'

You just groaned. You hated walking and Luke had dragged you out at six in the morning, when it was cold to the edge of a cliff. Luke had been acting quite nervy and suspicious this morning, come to think of it, you thought, wait is he going to murder me?

'WE'RE HERE!' Luke shouted and you saw the breath coming from his mouth as he started to breathe really quickly now.

You looked up and noticed a small table, covered with a blanket and two chairs. 'Take a seat,' Luke said, pulling out a chair for you.

'The view...it's outstanding.'

'I know...its not the only thing either.'

You turned around to look at him but he wasn't at the opposite side of the table. He was kneeling down, holding a shiny ring. You gave him a mix between an overwhelmed and questioning look.

'Y/N I did have a speech but I knew I'd screw it up, so I'm just going to come right out and say it, will you marry me?'

'Yes of course!'

Michael: You and Michael had started to watch a film but you couldn't stop noticing how fidgety Michael was being.

'What's wrong, baby?' You asked.

He looked up, his eyes a looking a little more alert, 'hmm? Nothing. Nothing's up. Why would anything be up?'

'Because you keep fidgeting and moving and I can't concentrate!'

'Ok maybe something is up but I guess I kinda ruined the mood.' He said, sitting up and pausing the movie. You just raised your eyebrow at him.

'Y/N the way I feel about you, I have never felt about anyone else before. I still get nervous everytime you talk to me. I still get jealous when I see you with one of the other guys even though I know you or they wouldn't do anything. I remember every, tiny little detail about you and I just want to spend every minute continuing to learn about you. From the way you make toast and only spread one later of butter to the way you'll put on your left shoe first. Everything. So, will you marry me?'

You had tears in your eyes as you cupped the sides of his face and gave him a peck on the lips, 'yes! yes of course I will Michael. I love you so freaking much.'

Calum: 'Y/N? You know when you were younger?'

You looked up at Calum, 'vaguely...'

'Well did you ever have any dreams or whatever like you'd marry a prince or you'd end up being a singer or whatever?'

'Well I used to think that one day, I would go to England and I would find a man, who looked ordinary but really he was a secret prince. I would dream that we would get married and have three kids and a dog and live happily ever after.' You smiled as you retold the familiar story, which Calum had heard many times...so why was he asking about it now?

'Y/N I want to make that dream come true... Y/N Y/L/N will you do the honour of marrying me?'

Calum asked, getting down on one knee and holding out a ring.

Your jaw dropped as you nodded, not trusting your voice. You pulled him in for a hug and managed to say, 'I always knew you were going to be my prince in disguise.'



Anyway I hope you enjoy the wedding series :)

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