10 ~ Song Preference - Happily by One Direction

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This was from my song pref book that was on my old account...just so you don't think I stole it or anything...


Song Preference - Happily by One Direction

'You don't understand, you don't understand,

What you do to me when you hold his hand'

Ashton: It has been about a month since you and Ashton had broken up and that left him in pieces. You, on the other hand, had got over it fairly quickly because you hated the feelings after breaking up with someone and you got used to having quite short relationships. You never knew why, but your relationships were just never meant to be. And that's what you and Ashton had decided. Anyway, him and the boys were walking in the street to a small café to get some lunch when he saw you but not by yourself. You were with your new boyfriend (Y/BF/N) holding hands and that's when Ashton decided he was not over you at all. He just broke down and ran back to the studio. He loved you way too much and never wanted to let you go.

The worst thing was that you had no idea Ashton was there. You had no idea what you done to him every time he saw you with your boyfriend walking in the street and holding hands. Ashton just couldn't take it anymore. It was from then that he was determined to get you back for good.

'I don't care what people say when we're together,

You know I wanna be the one that holds you when you sleep,'

Michael: You and Michael had only been going out for about a week before the hate started to get to you. You had even considered taking a 'break' but he was having none of it. He hated the idea of leaving you and being without you. He loved you so much. He came up to you one night, whilst you were scrolling through Twitter sobbing from the hate, and sat in front of you with quite a concerned look on his face.

'Baby, I honestly do not give a fuck about what those people say. They aren't even fans and I know you know that. If we split up, my whole world would be gone because you are my world and don't let anybody convince you different. Ok (Y/N)?'

You could only nod. He was right. Michael was the only one you wanted and you knew he only wanted you to come home to on a night, to cuddle on the night and fall asleep with.

'Thanks Michael. I love you,' you managed to squeak out.

'It's ok (Y/N). I love you so much.' He then lightly kissed your forehead and you spent the rest of the night cuddling.

'It's 4am and I know that you're with him,

I wonder if he knows that I touched your skin'

Luke: 'Come on mate, you need to get some sleep, it's 4 in the morning!' Ashton told Luke.

'Yeah but she's with him. Tonight...today, whatever, she's with him. Mate...that could have been me.' Luke said back in his sleepy state. Ever since you left, Luke had spent a few nights awake thinking of you. He missed you greatly and once he got the news that you were dating someone, it got to him really badly. Now every night, he spends it awake, thinking about you while you are with him. Luke hates it and he knows all of this is bad for him and he should just get over it...but he can't. It's not that simple see, he loves you too much.

'Hey, Ash, do you think he knows that I was there first? Like do you think he knows that I've touched her skin, kissed her, cuddled her...?'

'I don't know, Luke, but you should seriously get some sleep...Maybe you could ring her up in the morning?' Ashton suggested, obviously wanting to be there for his friend but at the same time wanting sleep.

'Yeah...maybe I will...' Luke said, sleep overtaking him. Let's say that it was now his mission to get you back.

'I know you wanna leave,

So c'mon baby be with me so happily'

Calum: You weren't happy.

Calum knew you weren't happy.

The other boys knew you weren't happy.

Everybody did except your boyfriend, (Y/BF/N).

It was also a well-known fact that Calum was undoubtedly in love with you. If it wasn't for your current boyfriend, he would have asked you out by now. He was even considering it just a few nights ago but he didn't want to get in the way of things. You did love your boyfriend a lot but the chemistry just wasn't there at all. It was horrible because you wanted to leave him so badly but you felt sorry because he was truly in love with you.

However, you bumped into Calum one day while you were on the way to, funnily enough, your boyfriend's house.

'Oh, hey (Y/N)!' Calum exclaimed.

'Hey, Cal!' You smiled

'Right, you're on the way to (Y/BF/N)'s house?' You nodded. 'But you don't want to go there, do you?'

As much as you didn't want to, you nodded reluctantly.

'I'll take you for a coffee and prove to you that you'll be much happier with me?'

'Ok, Calum...' You said still not sure. But as soon as that pouty face came on show, you made up your mind.

Looks like you made the right decision.


A/N - go follow me on twitter... >> @ // tortillairwin - I follow back as well :)

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