27 ~ You/He Talk/s About Wanting Kids

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You/He Talk/s About Wanting Kids:

Ashton: You glanced at the clock in the corner of your laptop. It was 2am, and you had been scrolling through Ashton pregnancy imagines on tumblr for about 3 hours now. Having a family was something you had always wanted since you were a little girl. You'd have these little fantasies of the mummy, daddy and little daughter and son. You knew sometimes it never worked out like that but you still loved the idea of it all. Ashton stirred in his sleep, eventually opening his eyes and propping himself up on his elbows.

'Are you still awake, (Y/N)?' He asked in a sleepy voice.

You quickly shut the laptop, in hope Ash hadn't seen anything but that didn't stop him from grabbing it and finally getting up to stop you from taking it back.

'Pregnancy imagines, eh?'

You just face palmed, you might as well tell him now, you thought.

'Ashton...I didn't want to bring it up but it's something I've always wanted. Ever since I was young, I've always wished for a family and well...it's ok if you don't want to...but we're engaged now and I really want kids?'

Even though it was dark, the light from the laptop illuminated Ashton's smile, 'that was the worst way to ask if we can try for a baby but (Y/N) of course, I would love to start a family with you but not right at this moment because you interrupted my beauty sleep and I won't be getting much of that when we have a baby so...'

You just laughed at his response but that night you were buzzing inside. You were going to try for a baby, what you always wanted, with the man you loved.

Luke: You and Luke were sat one night watching some random film on Netflix, like you do when he has nights off and he's back home, when he suddenly caught you off guard.

'(Y/N) I want kids,'

You nearly choked on your popcorn, 'w-what?' You asked trying to recover at the same time.

'I want kids, with you. Not necessarily right now because of the band, but I want them. I hope this isn't scaring you cause I'll stop if it is but I just want to say something. I've been with previous girls and I've never felt like what I feel with you, to the point where I want to start a family with you. I'm so happy with you (Y/N) and I love you. I know we're not even engaged yet and this is probably the last thing you were expecting me to say tonight but I know you will make an amazing mother and hopefully I'll be just as good a father so what I'm saying is, in time, can we try for a baby?'

You sat there, your mouth open a little, trying to take in what Luke just said.

'(Y/N) I'm sorry...I shouldn't of said that, it was stup-'

You cut him off with a kiss and afterwards said, 'No it was not stupid Luke, I was just a bit surprised, I didn't expect you to come out with that little soliloquy, but yes, eventually we can have kids. But next time you say something, make sure I've finished my popcorn!'

Luke chuckled, 'Yeah of course I will, don't want you dying on me, I need you to produce my kids first.'

You just shook your head at him as you two continued to snuggle and watch another film.

Michael: 'Michael are you sure you're ok with helping me babysit my little sister?'

'Yeah, why wouldn't I be?' Michael asked, he asked intertwining his fingers with yours as you walked down the path to your uncle's house.

'I just thought you'd have stuff to do, or you'd want to be with the band, or sleep for eternity. It's what you usually do...'

'Now that makes me sound like a bad boyfriend!' Michael said, pretending to be offended.

'I didn't mean it like you idiot!' I said, lightly slapping him on the chest.

'I know babe,' He said as he leant down and kissed my nose before we arrived at my uncles house.


You and Michael spent the night looking after (Y/C/N) and Michael even pretended to be a princess just for her. Eventually, the three of you were cuddled up on the sofa together watching a film, with your cousin fast asleep on Michael's lap. You happily sighed as you looked at the sight, wishing it could be real one day.

'Someday I wanna have kids,' you mumbled to yourself hoping Michael would hear and get the hint.

'Well let's make it happen then,'

'Huh?' You lifted your head from his shoulder and looked at him.

'You said you wanted to have kids someday, well I'm gonna make that happen. One day, we're gonna start a family and have little punk rock kids. I saw the way you were with your cousin and I loved it too so let's go for it!'

You smiled widely and kissed him, still not believing his reaction.

'On one condition though,' you said seriously, 'I get to name them cause I don't want them to end up being called Pizza Ewok Clifford.'

He just laughed softly at you, 'Hey, no promises!'

Calum: You and Calum had decided to go food shopping after both agreeing that surviving off of old bags of crisps (chips) was not the best way of life. So after a 5 minute discussion, you had made your way outside and into the world of food a.k.a the supermarket.

'Ok Calum, I think you should go and get these things for the cupboards and freezer and I'll go get fridge stuff.' You said, while handing him a list and getting two trolleys, one for him and one for you.

'Why do I have to get more?' He whined.

'Because you'll be quicker than me so stop complaining or we'll just go back and have no food!'

'Ok, ok, I'm going, see you soon,' Calum said as he trudged down the isle, probably not having a clue what he was trying to find.

About 20 minutes later, you had got everything you needed and the quest for Calum began. You didn't have a clue where he was even though you'd checked the isles he'd been in at least four times each. You also other isles that he was likely to be in but still nothing. You started to make your way down the all the isles making sure to check all directions, when you found him at last...but in the place you least expected him to be. The baby isle. He was stood admiring little booties, baby onesies and toys, almost in a sort of trance.

'Boo!' You said in his ear.

He dropped the outfit he was holding, looked around at you and blushed a bit.

'What's up Calum?'

'Nothing, it's just I've been thinking for a while that, now things have settled down with the band and that we have a good relationship, that a baby could maybe be the next thing.'

'Aww who knew that Calum Hood could be such a softie!' You teased

'(Y/N) I'm being serious,' He said, almost complaining about you joking with him.

'I know Calum, but guess what? I was thinking about it too.' You saw his face brighten up. 'But we actually have to know we're having a baby before we buy it adorable, little - ok we can buy some outfits soon.'

Calum did a little celebratory dance in the middle of the shop, earning some weird looks, but neither of you cared; you were too happy at the fact you were gonna start a little family soon.


A/N - Ok first, I know I didn't upload on Monday but I was stressed and I felt like I needed a day off of writing and I couldn't actually write a single thing cause of that idiot called writers block but I'm back now 🎉

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