30 ~ You're Famous And He Asks You On A Date

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You're Famous And He Asks You On A Date:

Ashton: You were sat in an interview with Sugarscape, them asking you questions such as, 'are you excited for your up and coming tour?' which, of course you were. You loved your music career and you were always grateful for everything you had.

'So, we asked some people, including celebrities, to record a video question for you to answer.' One of the Sugarscapers said.

You nodded, 'this sounds interesting, let's do it!'

'Ok, first question is from Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of Summer.'

You felt your jaw drop a little but quickly recovered, smiling trying to hide your excitement. You've always loved 5sos and you've always had just a little soft spot for Ashton; you just loved how kind he was and his smile was enough to make you smile. And don't even mention his laugh...

You saw the screen to your left brighten up and looked over as Ashton's face came on, 'Hi, Y/N, I hope you get to see this because if you don't, it'll probably get leaked and I'll look stupid. Anyway, I've wanted to ask you this for a while now...Y/N, will you go on a date with me?'

You could feel yourself smiling and blushing, not certain where or who to look at. From behind the camera, a Sugarscaper signalled for you to answer, which you did. And it was yes.

Luke: It was a pretty world known thing that you liked Luke Hemmings, and it was also known that he liked you but neither of you had the confidence to talk to each other. However, one night, you were told by some fans on Twitter that 5sos would be attending the premiere of your new movie and that Luke, in particular, was excited for it. Maybe this was your chance to finally talk to him, you thought.

Soon came the night of the premiere came, and you were adding your team was adding the finishes touches to your make up, dress and hair. What? You wanted to make sure you left a good impression on Luke, even if your words let you down, which they probably will... Walking out onto the red carpet, you heard a lot of shouts from fans or the press, 'Y/N, look this way!' or 'Y/N can you sign this?' You even heard a 'OMG LUKE HEMMINGS IS OVER THERE!!' Wait what? You snapped your head around and sure enough, he was standing getting a photo taken with the rest of 5sos. You decided there was no time like the present, so you started to walk over to him.

'Y/N?! Congratulations on all of this,' Luke said first.

'Thanks! Anyway, I should be congratulating you guys on your success.' You smiled.

Luke just waved it off and you two were stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before he leaned in next to your ear, 'Y/N, I was wondering..I was thinking maybe we could go get dinner sometime?'

You both leaned back out and despite the shouts and screams from everyone, you gave Luke a quick peck on the cheek, 'Of course, I'd love to!'

Michael: For charity, some volunteers had gathered a load of celebrities to go on 'dates' with each other to raise money for the sick children. Naturally you accepted, because the 'dates' could range from dinner, which is what you were doing, to a day at the funfair, which meant you were raising money for charity and also having a fun day out. The only thing is, you didn't know who you were going to be with which made you a bit apprehensive of the whole thing as you knew yours and whoever else's fans could get the wrong idea. Nevertheless, you were still happy to be doing something for charity.

At about 5pm, you arrived at the restaurant, where none other than Michael Clifford was stood, supposedly waiting for you. I mean it'd be awkward iif he wasn't but he was wearing the lanyard to show that you and him were participating in this.

'Y/N! You look beautiful!' Michael said, walking you into the restaurant.

'You don't look so bad either, how's the band going?' You asked, as you found your table and started to order food. You and Michael talked quite a lot through the whole date, about his career, about your Youtube-ing (A/N Youtube-ing is a now a word 👀) career and just about anything really. The both of you got on really well so you were upset when the date was over.

'Hey, Y/N!' Michael exclaimed as you were about to get in your car, 'Maybe we could do this again sometime, but properly?'

'If that's asking me on a proper date, I'm looking forward to it!'

Calum: It was your day off today. No band practice. No shows. No nothing. Just you and some ice cream and Netflix. Yes, you loved your music career to death, but it was sometimes it was nice to have a little break. It also meant you could have the time to follow and reply to fans, which you always loved to do; it made you happy knowing they were happy. You grabbed your laptop from your bedroom and sat on your sofa, listening to whatever song came up on your play-list...of 5sos. Yes, you loved 5sos so much and they were the ones that inspired you to start a band.

You logged onto Twitter and your mentions were blowing up. Sure you were used to getting a lot of mentions on a daily basis but this was a lot more than usual. You were struggling to see what was actually going on as a lot of tweets were either '@Y/T/N HXHAUSBCXJWEVYIEBGQED' or '@Y/T/N I CAN'T BELIEVE IT OMG THEY ARE SO PERFECT' and there was the occasional '@Y/T/N Might actually have to jump off a cliff after watching that keek.' You were so confused, what keek? You never made a keek, in fact you haven't been in a keek since last year when you met Calum and Ashton. It was then that you saw a mention with link to a keek so naturally you watched it. It was again Ashton and Calum. 'So Calum wants to ask Y/N Y/L/N on a date because HE LOVES HER,' Ashton laughed*

'Yeah, Y/N if you're watching this, lets go on a date sometime?'

You stopped watching the keek and you were smiling to yourself as you tweeted, '@Calum5SOS I'll gladly accept the date ;) x'


A/N - So basically I wrote half of these at 5am after the VMAs (AND WE WON A FREAKING VMA!!!) I seriosuly don't know if I had to say anything else except thanks for 23K reads, I got over 2K reads in two days and that is crazeh.

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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