Ashton Imagine for Jass

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Personal Ashton Imagine for Jass

'So tell me Jass,' Ashton said, grabbing my hand and starting to swing it slightly, 'did you enjoy our date?'

I smiled up at him, 'Of course I did Irwin, you never fail at making me happy.'

'Ah stop it Jass, you're making me blush!' Ashton laughed.

Me and Ash were walking back home, after he took me to the local fair on a date. It was amazing being able to spend time with, especially since we'd both been fairly busy lately; we hadn't been out like this in absolutely ages so I was making the most of it. It was such a peaceful silence, walking down the old road to our little house, with the sun setting in the background. It was almost perfect until I felt a pair of arms grab my waist.

At first I thought it was Ashton messing about but then I realized that I was starting to get pulled further away from him. Everything was happening so quickly and I couldn't take it all in. I felt dizzy and I was seeing double of Ashton. I could still make out a mixture of panic and anger on his face.

'JASS!' I heard Ashton shout. I tried shouting back to him but I just couldn't find my voice.

I then felt cold metal against my waist and I knew instantly this person or whatever they were had a knife and they were going to stab me. I couldn't move; I couldn't turn around either so there was no way of protecting myself or fining out who was preparing to do something so horrible.

'If you come any closer, I'll do it. I'll kill her,' said the deep, raspy voice from behind me.

This was it. I didn't want Ashton to protect me. I'd rather die than let home die.

'NO I'LL NEVER LET YOU DO THAT TO JASS!' Ashton shouted back angrily, as he walked ever closer.

'I'm warning you, you come closer, one of you will get injured. A lot.'

I was really scared and it felt like my head was spinning. I was barely aware of where Ashton was or the fact there was a knife so close to me. I never expected my day to turn out like this. I started to sob silently, making sure this horrible man didn't hear me because I knew then I will have gone too far and I'll be gone within seconds.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ashton fumble in his pocket for his phone very subtly and for a minute I don't think the man noticed. But then his phone dropped onto the ground and I could feel the knife dig a little more into my skin and I hoped it hadn't already pierced it.

It almost felt as if time had sped up as Ashton ran over to me and grabbed my hand but there was something strange. As soon as he grabbed my hand, he let out a scream and the man ran away. No he hadn't. He stabbed Ashton. I saw Ashton collapse to the ground grabbing his waist as I hovered over him, trying to comfort him as much as I could but if wasn't working.

'Jass...get my phone a-and ring an ambulance and one of the boys...q-quick,' Ashton managed to get out, almost whispering.

I ran over to where his phone was and picked it up, attempting to call an ambulance as quickly as I could, without getting the number wrong. The same went for when I tried ringing Michael; it's just my hand were shaking so much and my breathing was out of control, why wasn't it me? I jogged back over to Ashton, pressing my hand firmly against his, where he was holding it against the wound. I took off my cardigan and told Ashton to press it against, until it can be fixed properly. Scared was an understatement. Considering no less than ten minutes ago, me and Ashton were strolling happily back home. It was like all my nightmares had happened in reality.

'Please don't leave me Ash,' I sobbed into him, as I was trying not to notice how panicked and pale his face was growing. It was the first time I'd not seen him smiling.

'I'll never leave you Jass, it's impossible.'

I didn't want him to go. Not yet; we still had so many years together.

'Don't worry, Jass, you're going to be stuck with me,' Ashton reassured me, putting on his bravest smile.


A/N - Well dayum. That was depressing to write I'm not even going to lie but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.

Ok, some important things - I have another book (Everything 5 Seconds of Summer) which is now up and I think it's pretty self explanatory, but it's got jokes and yeah go read, vote, comment, add to your library ✌️

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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