Calum Imagine for Bridie

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A/N - I know this probably what you didn't have in mind but I tried my best...and I kinda did it weirdly, basically I wrote the middle to the end before I wrote the beginning so if it doesn't make much sense that's why... 🙈


Personal Calum imagine for Bridie

I walked through to where the boys were just sat on their phones, probably on twitter. I went and sat down next to Calum, where as a reply to my hello, I just got a grunt. Clearly someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

'I don't like my hair's too short.' I moaned.

'Well -'

'And I literally hate my body, like if I could change it, trust me I would. Why do I have to be

'You're no-'

'But why Calum? It just annoys me so much!'

'And you're annoying me right now.' Calum snapped at me.

Everyone just looked round at me and Calum, who had now stood up from the couch. Even MICHAEL let out the tiniest gasp, which made Calum just glare at him.

'How?' I stood up as well.

'Well if you stopped complaining for 5 minutes,'

'And what's that supposed to mean?' I shouted at Calum, trying to hold back tears.

'I DON'T KNOW BRIDIE, WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?' Calum retaliated, throwing his arms up in the air, probably to emphasise his point, but I still flinched all the same. He bought them back down, but as they were being thrown down in such anger, I felt one collide with my jaw. I gasped and ran out of bus, tears now streaming down my face.

'Calum, mate, you should probably go after her...' Luke said gently.

'Where do you think I am going?' Calum snapped back, jogging out of the bus, trying to get his trainers on at the same time.


I held my jaw, which was now really sore from the impact. I really didn't hope it wasn't bruised because it would take a lot of explaining to people that it was an accident...well I hope it was an accident anyway. I don't think Calum would ever hurt me like that. I didn't even know where I was going, I didn't bring my phone or anything, so I couldn't ring for a taxi, my parents are in a completely different country so I can't exactly just go hop on a plane, go to their house like 'hey, my boyfriend kind of hit my face accidentally, can I stay here for the night?'

Nope, I didn't know where I was going so I just kept walking until I heard shouting from behind me.

'Bridie! Bridie, baby, wait up!'

It was Calum.

'What do you want?' I said maybe a bit too harshly even though I was glad to see him.

'I've been looking for you everywh-' I saw his eyes look down to my jaw, 'Was that me when I...?'

I nodded, I almost felt...guilty? I don't know why.

Calum came closer to me and bought me into a hug, whispering in my ear, 'I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to at all, I didn't even mean to hit you. I've just been a bit off today and I was just trying fact I don't even know but I swear I didn't mean to hit you in the slightest. I swear it was an accident. I'm really sorry...'

I looked into his eyes, 'Calum it's ok, I know you'd never hit me in a million years, I shouldn't have been moaning at you all morning anyway. I know it can get annoying and I already knew you were in a bad mood, and I just kept annoying you.'

'But Bri, I virtually hit you in the face and it's left a huge bruise, how am I going to explain that?'

'You don't have to Cal, I'll just say I bashed my chin of the floor or something,' I reassured him.

'But it was in front if the boys, they're gonna think I'm such a bad boyfriend and they're gonna not want me to be in the ba-'

'Calum shut up! They would have seen it's an accident, especially if I knew it was.'

'And I called you annoying and I didn't mean to at all, I was just a bit angry from the rumours and I swear I didn't mean to take it out on you at all,'

'Calum, I've already said it's ok and I was annoying you and I know that.'

I pulled him in for a tight hug. Calum made sure not to touch my jaw, even though I didn't care anymore, I had my Cal back and that's all that mattered. we stayed like that for a while, literally in the middle of nowhere. I wasn't about to ask how he found me; I was enjoying the silence.

'So we're all good?' Calum asked, pulling out of the hug a bit, looking at me worried.

'We're all good.' I answered, 'but when we get back to the bus can we get some ice?'

Calum smiled at me 'of course we can, and we can pick up some ice cream and films and have a movie night to make up for me being a terrible boyfriend.'

I grinned up at him, 'that sounds amazing.'


A/N - Hope this was ok for you ☺️

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