57 ~ Fans

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Ashton: 'Ashton, just grab the packet and we can go?' You whispered only loud enough for Ashton to hear. You crossed your arms over and looked behind your shoulder as your boyfriend pondered over the all the different boxes.

'Oooh babe, we should get these ones!' Ashton laughed, holding out a box of glow in the dark condoms. You just glared at him and he pouted, placing the box back down.

'Hurry up and grab some before we get caught by someone.'

'It's not my fault someone got a little excited,' Ashton began to say as he picked up an ordinary box.

You looked up at him, 'it's not my fault someone was unpre-'

You got cut off by a couple of fans running up to you and ashton with their phones in their hands and excitement evident on their faces. 'Oh my God it's Ashton and Y/N!' One of them squealed. The other fan's eyes trailed down to where Ashton's hands were and whispered something to her friend, her eyes widened and you began to grow red.

'Uhm, we were gonna ask for a picture but it looks lile you two are a little busy,' she laughed and they walked off, chattering excitedly about the recent encounter. You just dragged Ashton across the store as he laughed at you

Luke: You pulled the blanket above your head and continued to scroll through your mentions on Tiwtter and then moved onto the recent comments left on your latest Instagram post.

Every other comment was either 'ew why would Luke want to even date her?' or something about how 'disgusting' you were. Honestly? You were sick of all the hate and some days, it just really got to you, sometimes you didn't even want to leave the house or get out of bed because of it.

'Y/N? Baby? You in here?' You heard Luke say from outside the bedroom.

You sniffled in response, him obviously not being able to hear you.

'Y/N? I'm really worried.' You took the blanket off your head and trudged across the room open the door. As soon as Luke saw how you were, he instantly pulled you in for a hug and kissed the top of your head, 'babe what's wrong?'

'It's the hate Luke, I just can't deal with it, I really can't anymore,' you sobbed into him.

He stroked the back of your head, 'sshh, ssh, don't listen to any of them fans, listen to the ones that leave positive comments. Trust me, I get so many tweets saying how perfect you are in every single way so please don't let the stupid hate get you down Y/N. I love you.'

You and Luke then spent the night going through the #Y/Ship/N tag on tumblr so he could prove to you how much you were loved.

Michael: 'Y/N you're such a bitch. All I asked for was a photo with Michael and you just had to step in the way.'

You stood a little bewildered at the fan in front of you, 'um excuse me?'

'You heard me,' she said rudely, flicking her hair back, 'I don;t even know what Michael sees you in you. It's obvious that he lost his eye-sight when he asked you out.'

You gasped, a little offended by what this girl was saying to you.

'Or maybe he was just blinded by your ugl-'

'Say one more thing and I swear I'm going to personally kick your fake ass,' Michael stepped in, clearly angry. The fan suddenly put on a fake smile and acted sweetly when Michael came closer, 'don't act innocent as soon as I come over because I heard everything you just said to Y/N.'

'I never said anything,' she said, trying to act confused.

Michael exhaled, frustrated,' just go. You're clearly jealous of Y/N and if you can't handle how beautiful she is on both the inside and outside then I suggest you leave.'

She put her hand on her hip as you stood there, your jaw open slightly at the argument erupting, 'Fine. I don't need you anyway, you'll be bald soon.'

Michael brought you in for a hug, 'don't listen to people like her Y/N, their heads get messed up by the amount of cheap, crappy perfume they wear.'

Calum: You looked through the shop window and daydreamed over one of the dresses that was hung right in the middle. Calum had offered to pay for it several times, but each time you became more adamant in saying that you were going to save up for it; you didn't want the fans to think you were using Calum for the money.

Suddenly, you felt a small tap on your shoulder and you jumped slightly. As you turned around, excited whispers came from a small group of girls wearing 5sos shirts.

'It's actually her!' 'How can she be even more pretty in real life?'

You laughed softly at them, unsued to the attention from fans, 'hey there, can I help you?'

One of them shakily held out there phone and after having a mini photo shoot in the middle of the mall, you handed it back and they calmed down on the outside.

'Hey, do you guys have Twitter?' The three girls nodded. 'If yo u give me your @ names, I'll get Calum to follow you, if you want?'

The nodded in complete shock and you began to write down their @'s.

'I don't see why some fans don't like you Y/N, you're like one of the nicest people I have ever met! Don't tell Calum, but you're my favourite.' One of the younger girls whispered as she gave you a hug. Later when you got home, you retoled the story to Calum and how it had made your day meeting the three fans.


a/n - so i'm actually updating after...2 weeks?

🌸 vote, comment, stay beautiful

ps - have you heard all time low's new song?

pps - my icon makes me scbkswyklkiefh

ppps - boys are confusing af

pppps - hi if you've read all the way down here

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