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Yesterday a girl at Wendy's
Went out of her way
To tell me I'm pretty

So simple
So subtle
And yet
Very meaningful

It was a hard day
It's been a hard week
I didn't want to speak
To anyone
So I went to Wendy's
Being careful to not spend too much
And this girl
Told me I was pretty

I've done that
I've wanted to say that
But was always too scared
That I was an inconvenience
That my words were a nuisance

But she told me I was pretty

And I liked it
I felt... better
Like I was noticed
Like I was seen
Like me being me
Isn't such a bad thing

Look, I know I'm pretty
I know my face is favorable
In some kind of light
My looks often kept me up at night
That I made others upset
Because I was pretty
Or people though I was dumb
Because you can't be both

You can't be attractive and smart
You can't be tortured
And a piece of art
You can't be talented
And beautiful
You can't be pretty
And useful

You can't be more than one thing
But I am million
Why even say anything
Even though a billion
Words fly through my mind
I would love to be kind
Because she was pretty too

I want to be liked
Probably like you
The one reading this
Alone in your room

Or at the mall
Or wherever

While you are standing or sitting

While you feel good
Or shitty

I just wanted to tell you,

I think you're pretty.

A pretty mind
A pretty heart
A pretty self
Is a great place to start

So be pretty
And don't be scared

Be pretty in all the ways you can
Be pretty and loud and heard

Be soft in a hard world

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