Maybe (trigger warning: cancer)

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My world is spinning
Maybe writing
Will drown out the sound of

Maybe I'm flying
Maybe none of this is real
Maybe the feelings I feel
Mean nothing

Maybe I am something
Blowing in the wind
And with a little luck
Maybe I will never be seen again

Maybe I'll drop the maybe
And face the fact
That once you go
There is no coming back

And that
People die

And there is nothing you can do

No control

No clue

Just you
In a big
Scary world

Maybe you heard
But I am not doing great
As of late
Has not been my day
Neither was yesterday
Or any day since Thursday
When I was told
My uncle has stage 4
And I don't know
What that means
Or what I can do


I can do nothing

And it kills me

Well... not as much as it's killing him

Poor taste, I know
But I have to laugh about something



I'll be alright

My dad will need more time
But eventually
He will be fine

He has to be
For me
But that is so not fair
It's his baby brother
He is more than allowed to care

He is allowed to break down
And ugly cry
Every god damn day
If he needs to

And I plead that he does
Even if I don't feel strong enough
To see it

Shits rough
And things happen



I don't I understand
It happens,

But I don't think I'm meant to

Not in a "everything happens for a reason"
Kind of way
Fuck that right now

More like
Whatever is happening
Doesn't ask to be known
It just is
And I am just sitting in it
And it is so much fucking easier
To pretend it doesn't exist
So I do
Then it all hits
Like a fucking truck

Someone who was from a family
Of invincibles


It's gunna be a fight

And you know what?
I won't be alright
How could I be?

I wouldn't be human
If I was ok right now

I need to cry now

I am so fucking tired

I was trying to get a better job
And move on

I was trying to figure out my own mental state

I was trying to finish school
However long it takes

And now

The stakes feel higher

I feel like my fighter
Instinct is kicking in

And it hopes we can win

But a part of me is bracing for if we don't

And I have no fucking way
To fucking know

And I can't tell anyone
Because if they know
They look at me
That way people do
When you say the word cancer

They look like you just shot a puppy
Like you ruined their day
Because you probably did.

I should hide now
And never come out
No one needs to see me right now
I don't want to see me right now

I have doubts
And I have hope
And I have 10,000 ways to cope
That may or may not hold

I don't know

I don't know anything right now

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