Sappy love poem

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I love you Levi

I love the way you hold the pillow
When you cannot hold me
I love the way you tell me
"There are great things about you
You just don't see"

I love the way you light up
When you see me again
I love that you love my friend
Almost like a sister
And that when you go
You kinda miss her

I love the way you care for me
And help me when I'm tired
Or sick
Or hold me when I wired
And crying
And still tell me I'm beautiful

I love when you call me human
Remind me I'm fragile
But it's casual
And meant to show
That you'd hold me
If I'd ever let go
And break
And you'd help put me back together again
But you know my strength
And let me do things on my own
And when we are alone
I don't remember my worries
At least I don't think of them as much
And I never once feel like
I'm not enough

Because you remind me
Go against every insecurity
And see the best in me

You're kind
And very very smart
And you care so much
With such a big heart

Plus you're like.... really hot
Like MODEL hot
(Probably because you're a literal model)

But I miss you when you're gone
And I love it when you're here
So please hold me
And always stay near
And call me "my dear"
Like you always do
And I'll tell you I love you
And that I missed you
Even when I see you every day

Because that's not going to change.

I love you
That is going to stay

I'll love our good days
And we will hold each other when we cry
And through it all

I will love you Levi

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