Safety net

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Is a funny thing
It brings a sense of comfort
Of belonging
And longing
To be something
You want to be

Is also constraining
Like I am being tied down
Like the sound of my voice
Needs to be muffled out

Is draining
Is painstaking
And I am straining
To be something
I never wanted to be

All for


Safety nets
Try their best
To hold me
When shit goes down
When the world flips
Upside down

When I am alone

When the world is too fucking loud



I am stuck in one place
I am trapped in a room
Full of things I don't want to be doing
As a back up

Everything needs a backup
So we can sleep at night
So we can be right
So we can stand up right
So we can fuck up

But isn't the fuck up enough?
To send us down the path we need to go
To grow

You cant grow in a caged habitat
When you are stuck
You can't be anything
That that

Than stuck
In muck
Of what you thought
You'd overcome
And that it was worth it

To stay safe

Don't really prevent
Screw ups
Just seal the door to the unknown

Yeah I am safe here
Yeah I can play here
Yeah I'm a slave here
I can't make mistakes here
I am always the same here
I always save here
I always wait here
Might as well stay here
Until I cave here
I forgave here

I made here
To be my prison
And I have been sitting
In it
For way too long

Time to be strong
And cut the net

For the rope isn't special
If you don't walk it
If you don't do the dangerous
If it's the same to us
Every day

There is a balance there
A fine line
There is a dangerous need for caution
There are land mines

But there is also grass under your toes
And a cool stream on your heels
There is the wind on your breath
And violin strings in your feels
And blood on your tongue

Don't let it make you numb

We all bleed

Take the time to heal
And keep going

Keep growing

Or stay frozen

With a back up
Always on your back
Making up for what you lack
Making up for
Your own fuck ups
Making up
For a potential heart attack

And keep the breaking back
To carry all that weight
Never make a mistake
Shove away
What you try to prevent
And never
Safety net

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