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My mood changes with the weather
It is rainy
I am too

It is stormy and cloudy
And mucky
So I see through
The facade of brightness in your eyes
And the colorful tones in the grey lit sky
Why even try to color it
It is dismal
And dimly lit

And yet

The clouds part
For a brief moment
And there is the sun
So warm
So bright
Like all the things you want to do
Are possible
And you
Just need to step out
And feel and see
And take in everything

Then the wind picks up
But all I do is
Never enough
What if giving up
Is it the best thing I got?
Holy shit
What if it's not?
And I am sitting here wasting away
I've already spent half my day
Where does the rest go?

It's snowing now
I'm biting
My time
Like the air in front of me
As the frost bites back
And all the chills screaming down my back
Could not change the feelings I lack
It's all cold


I hold
Just a handful of spring
I sing to the swallows in the air
It's warmer out

I hope it stays this way

Through rainy days
And storms
Through cold days spent indoors
And birds singing again
To tornadoes
And clouds that part
Letting the light in

My emotions flow with the weather
And some day
I know I will feel better
As the sun will shine again

Riddle me this then,
Why whenever I laugh at a joke
The temperature gets higher
Why whenever I grow cold
Plants tend to expire
Why whenever I shout NO
The leaves leave the trees

Why does the weather
tend to follow

Not me
I am too ever changing
I am too unexplainable
I am too unpredictable
I am too rainy and cloudy and sunny and snowy
All at once
I am foggy and groggy
And stuck in a rut
While I dance in my living room
Attempting to chase the gloom
Just a little bit more
I am too


Do not base your patterns off of me
Off of the way I see
It is utter chaos

And I still am not sure
If I control the weather

Or if the weather controls me.

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