I am

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I am something

I have to be

Because I am not nothing

I couldn't be

Or I wouldn't be here

I wouldn't feel
I wouldn't care
I wouldn't stand
Or stare
I wouldn't breathe
My heart wouldn't beat
I wouldn't be me

But what is that exactly?

Am I just a million broken pieces
From a thousand different places
Attempting to form something?

Am I meant to learn and gain knowledge?
Because I know nothing

Not the things I want to
Not the things I've got to
When the right time comes,
I never know how

But I guess I do now

I know more than I did
When I hid away from the world
Hiding my fragile bits
So they could not shatter
But I am just shattered glass
Why not stand up
Present myself to the class
As a mosaic
Of all the things I've ever done wrong

No that would be foolish
I'm not just broken
I couldn't be
Or else I could not break further
And I keep finding new ways to do that

New ways to shatter
New ways to destroy
New ways to become
New ways to glue new pieces

Maybe I am art
Maybe I am meant to stand in a room
And be beautiful
Bring a tear to your eye
After all
Good art can make you cry

No that can't be it
Art doesn't cry
And I definitely have

Maybe I am a tree
as my leaves ruffle in the breeze
And I watch time pass
Things die
And grow back
In new ways
But it all stays

No no that can't be it
Trees don't move
I move
I move others too
I hope I do
With words

Do these words mean anything to you?

Maybe I am a poem
Words on a page
Text on a screen
And I mean
What I want to mean

All that is seen is what I want to be seen

Maybe I am nothing
Not even a slight breeze

No no can't be that
I breathe
My lungs fill and deflate
And grow flowers inside
They thrive on the carbon dioxide I produce

Maybe I'm you
Or whatever you think I am
Maybe I can't be anything else
Maybe I can

Maybe I don't know what the hell I am

A collection of things
Found along shores
Tiny trinkets
That are shitty
And old
And useless

But at least they are pretty

To someone

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